April 27, 2015
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Monday: The Alex Jones Show. Bastrop Citizens Question Authority Over Jade Helm 15 Initiative
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On this Monday, April 27 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover the latest on the civil unrest and race riots in Baltimore, Maryland over the weekend, and the prospect of further violence and strife in the near future as the social and cultural underpinnings of America continue to erode and the National Guard and police prepare for more violence. We also cover an interview by Infowars editor and host Paul Joseph Watson on recent military drills in America aimed at dealing with domestic dissent. On today’s worldwide broadcast, we talk with economist, political commentator, and Second Amendment advocate John Lott, the author of More Guns, Less Crime, The Bias Against Guns, and Freedomnomics. We also talk with documentary filmmaker Joel Gilbert. His film Dreams From My Real Father, an alternative Barack Obama "autobiography," offering a divergent theory of what may have shaped our 44th President's life and politics.
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