September 11, 2013

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Tuesday: The Nightly News. Will Assad's Arms Plan Stave The Black Hearted Globalist's Deadly Agenda Or Only Postpone WWIII?

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On The September 10, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Paul Joseph Watson hosts & We Interview Telly Blackwood, Youtube Censored Operation Paul Revere Film Maker. News Covered: US won’t ‘wait for long’ for Syria arms plan. Is Assad Being Tricked Into Sacrificing Syria? McCain & Graham Seize on ‘Peace’ Initiative to Push War. Global warming computer models collapse - Arctic ice sheets rapidly expand as planet plunges into global cooling. It's irresponsible to have big families': Sir David Attenborough warns overpopulation could mean the end for human evolution. Obamacare Regulations Are 8 Times Longer Than Bible. Offer of one-way trip to live on Mars has volunteers lining up

Nightly News with Alex Jones

Alex Jones anchors a focused and hard hitting nightly news transmission at 7 PM CST, Monday through Friday

Show status: Off Air

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