October 03, 2014

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Thursday: The Infowars Nightly News.Rand Paul: Estimating The Projected Ebola Tsunamai Numbers. Plus, “Political Correctness” Hindering Scientific Decisions On Ebola Outbreak.

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On The October 2, 2014 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Estimating the Future Number of Cases in the Ebola Epidemic — Liberia and Sierra Leone, 2014–2015. CDC: Ebola cases could reach at least 550,000 by January. U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT ORDERS 160,000 EBOLA HAZMAT SUITS. Chris Matthews vs. Ezekiel Emanuel on Ebola: "Obama Said It Was Unlikely. It Has Happened. It's Here".Rand Paul: “Political Correctness” Hindering Scientific Decisions On Ebola Outbreak.US Visas Held By 13,500 People In Three Ebola Countries.THE FIVE-POINT PLAN USED TO JUSTIFY FIGHTING WARS IS BEING DEPLOYED IN MEDIA AGAIN. FORMER SHERIFF’S DEPUTY LAUNDERED $40M IN DRUG MONEY, GETS 12 YEARS IN PRISON. Meet Five People Serving Draconian Drug Sentences Thanks To Mandatory Minimum Laws.

Nightly News with Alex Jones

Alex Jones anchors a focused and hard hitting nightly news transmission at 7 PM CST, Monday through Friday

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