December 11, 2012

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Nightly News for Monday, December 10, 2012

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News covered:

EU war council meets to plan Syria and Mali invasions.

Video: Syrian rebel make child behead prisoner.

Bashar Al-Assad, Syria, and the truth about chemical weapons.

Toothpaste blasts kids with 5000% more IQ-crushing fluoride than heavily fluoridated areas

Food stamps soar by most in 16 months: Over 1 million Americans enter poverty in last two months.

Was CIA financier-turned Wall Street banker assassinated by the bearded bag lady? New evidence may solve mystery of 1985 shooting.

Female Fullerton cop accused of ripping film out of witness camera after Kelly Thomas beating to death

Nightly News with Alex Jones

Alex Jones anchors a focused and hard hitting nightly news transmission at 7 PM CST, Monday through Friday

Show status: Off Air

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