February 24, 2015
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Monday: The Infowars Nightly News. Saudi Newspaper Claims Islamic State May Get LIbya's Chemical Weapons.
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On the February 23, 2015 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, MSM hypes up threat as DHS is set to lose funding. Obama’s DHS Spent Nearly $150M on Office Furniture and Makeovers. DHS funding has been increased each year under Obama administration. Jeb pushed for fracking--while profiting privately. Secrecy around police surveillance equipment proves a case’s undoing. Texas Governor: Since Jan. 1, 'We Have Had More Than 20,000 People Come Across the Border'.
Nightly News with Alex Jones
Alex Jones anchors a focused and hard hitting nightly news transmission at 7 PM CST, Monday through Friday
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