October 08, 2019
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China Warns US Brands, Embrace Communism Or Get Censored!
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Alex Jones gives an emergency message to the Infowars audience today on The War Room. Owen Shroyer breaks down the latest on the China NBA controversy as well as the latest from the Democrats attempt to impeach and remove Trump. Owen opens up the phones lines and goes head to head with a few troll callers. By the way, we are in the final days of the Black Friday Comes Early sale!
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Date: 10/08/2019
Jones is going to cover every angle! A historic broadcast! Tune in! Share this earthshaking information! Turkey, which is a NATO ally, could trigger a war with Iran by moving into northern Syria against the wishes of the United States. President Trump warned that he would economically destroy Turkey if it tries to destabilize the region. "By the way, we’re currently running our biggest sale since Christmas! - Watch now
Date: 10/08/2019
Neo-ConMen in media, Congress & Pentagon are outraged that Trump would actually do what he campaigned on & stop US involvement in “endless” “tribal” wars — and it’s a wise move politically to embrace the people over the establishment. New FOIA docs show Obama & Hillary knew ISIS was being armed out of Libya & Benghazi narrative was lie for political purposes. FOX news joins with CNN to attack President Trump for siding with NATO ally Turkey (but didn’t they say Trump should love NATO allies?). Syria: “Mandate from Heaven” & arms from Libya for ISIS FBI LoveBirds takes the stage; Kanye talks media mind control. Dicks crushes $5M of rifles but crime stats show knives kill 5 times more people. Flu vaccine fraud exposed. EU & China flex global censorship muscle. - Watch now
Date: 10/07/2019
The beginning of a busy broadcast week starts with massive news that starts with the President preparing the Marines for a hot coup attempt against him and the American Republic. We take calls from Marines on this topic and more. We also look at the War State freaking out over President Trump calling troops home from Syria. The NBA bowing the China phenomenon is also explained. By the way, we are in the final days of the Black Friday Comes Early sale! - Watch now