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Date: 11/01/2019
Alex Jones declares Trump is in trouble! Louie Gohmert warns the dems are attempting to start a civil war, and Michael Savage joins to break down his take on the deep state coup to overthrow the will of the American People. - Watch now
Date: 11/01/2019
Today’s News: Women stands up to Beto in Newtown & leaves him a cowering Beta-Male; Trump’s no longer in a NY State of Mind, changes residency to FL; will Senate’s bi-partisan bill burst Google’s “Filter Bubble”?; violent unrest in a dozen countries — does it signal an approaching “Fourth Turning”? BREXIT opponents fighting each other as Trump says “leave”; Local governments are criminalizing charity across the country Excessive police destroy innocent bystanders’ home, court says city NOT financially liable, excessive police force & coming RedFlag enforcement and a Sheriff does the RIGHT THING about an abusive Deputy Katie Hill defended by Squad — an illustration of intersectionality (and hypocrisy) Austin, TX schools mandate transgender education & sexual role playing for 3rd grade — will parents continue to abandon their children to the state? - Watch now