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Atlanta paper that lead the attack against Richard Jewell now attacks Clint Eastwood for exposing their (and the FBI’s) lies with his new movie (that they haven’t seen)
So you know WHAT the RULES are, Tucker Carlson looks at how the feds treated Epstein vs their treatment of Roger Stone
So you know WHO RULES, witness comes forward with allegations that Bill Clinton raped him as an 8 yr old with satanic blood-ritual overtones
Senators don’t believe Epstein killed himself and want an investigation
Sweden admits there was nothing to charges against Assange — besides there’s a full on war of bombs & guns as Muslim gangs fight each other in the small country
ISIS prisoners expose NATO & Turkey assisting them to overthrow Syrian government
Amazon (CIA contractor) actor playing “Jack Ryan” (propaganda TV for CIA) sings its praises
India’s “oxygen bars” & China’s “canned air” show the air pollution in the countries exempted from the “Paris Climate Agreement” and the 10th Anniversary of ClimateGate — it was handled EXACTLY LIKE CLINTON’S EMAIL COVERUP
What Vindman’s testimony told us about his character, his lies, his connection to the “whistleblower” Eric CIA-ramella
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Date: 11/19/2019
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