December 17, 2019

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The David Knight Show - December 17, 2019

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00:04:31 “You’ll put your eye out” NY activists push Hasbro to stop selling “assault” Nerf guns — seriously.
00:11:04 Gun control civil war escalates in VA — county forms militia to protect county officials who declared “2A Sanctuary”
00:31:43 UN Secretary General laments climate talks collapse — but they got some great commitments to “gender issues”
00:55:52 Greta’s train stunt was done 3 years ago by failed socialist Jeremey Corbyn
01:04:06 Goldman Sachs, $750B carbon racketeering (it’s pronounced GREED-A)
01:13:24 “Green” tech companies sued for child exploitation in African cobalt mines
01:28:13 Robert DeNiro said he would deny his children if they were like Trump’s children. But didn’t he already deny his child (and other children) when he shut down the documentary VAXXED?
01:23:34 Obama thinks old men (you know, like Biden) should get out of the way for women to rule (you know, like Michelle)
01:32:41 Studies from US, UK & Australia show that autistic children are being singled out to be gaslighted over gender identification
01:37:51 Why do the nations rage & Hollywood imagine a vain thing? Netflix pushes “hate speech” against Christ & Christians, Hallmark caves to LGBT mob over viewers & airs homosexual wedding commercials on “family channel”
01:50:50 Callers join to talk about the spiritual war being waged in politics & “entertainment”, GOP blocking participation in local politics, and alternative energy solutions being shut down for crony capitalism

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