December 27, 2019
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In 2019 The Mask Came Off, In 2020 We Fight Back!
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Harrison Smith sits in for Owen Shroyer on today's edition of the War Room. He welcomes guests Leo Zagami and Frank Cavanagh to break down the secret truth behind today's headlines, and reveal the hidden forces and disguised agendas that are seemingly pushing humanity towards inevitable destruction. Transgenderism, random violence, the destruction of private property and losing our most basic rights as Americans all fall into line with the Satanic plot to destroy humanity once and for all.
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Date: 12/27/2019
What’s really going on is a lot deeper than what the news headlines indicate. Tune in! On this Friday edition of the Alex Jones Show, we also reveal how the UN was caught hiding false flag evidence of a chemical attack in Syria intended to broaden the war. - Watch now