September 01, 2013
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Sunday: The Alex Jones Show. Groundbreaking Information: Jerome Corsi On Obama's Deconstruction Of The Middle East. Then, Paul Craig Roberts And Greg Palast Reveal The Political And Financial Motivations. Plus, Russel Brand And The Free Mind.
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Today on the Sunday, September 1 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks again with American author and political commentator, Dr. Jerome R. Corsi, and continues to break down the conflict with Syria and Obama's recent decision to seek Congressional authorization before intervening militarily. Alex will discuss the uphill battle Obama faces as he attempts to convince Congress to vote yes on a war with Syria. Alex talks about Salon's recent attack on Infowars, Ron Paul and other media outlets that called out the false flag attack in Syria. New York Times best selling author and freelance journalist Greg Palast joins Alex to discuss the economic meltdown of America and the financial consequences of a war with Syria. Alex also features his interview with iconic actor and comedian Russell Brand.
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