December 01, 2015
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Tuesday: The Alex Jones Show. Paris Climate Summit Costs Tax Payers Millions.
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On this explosive Tuesday, December 1 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we look into the upcoming Chinese "cloning factory" that scientists claim is advanced enough to clone humans. The plant, which is due to go into production in seven months, could potentially clone one million cows a year. Gerald Celente joins the show to break down his trends forecast for 2016 and the showdown between Russia and Turkey. Journalist James Delingpole also joins the broadcast to explain the truth behind the Paris "Climate Summit," particularly how politicians are using "global warming" as an excuse to usher in more government. Tune in!
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Date: 12/02/2015
On tonight's Tuesday, December 1st 2015 edition of the Infowars Nightly News, American People Billed For Climate Imprisonment.This is how a new dark age ruled by a totalitarian New World Order is ushered in. 345 global sycophants burned 300,000 tons of Carbon Dioxide to meet in Paris to impose a legally binding carbon taxation plan that will be proactively enforcing climate justice. The first legally binding carbon reduction plan the people of the world have faced. Obama has already spent $784,825 on his motorcade alone. The New York Daily News reports “President Obama’s flight to the City of Lights emitted roughly 189 tons of carbon alone, burning 19,275 gallons of jet fuel, reports the Daily Caller.His entire trip will send more carbon dioxide into the air than the combined emissions from 31 U.S. homes over the span of a year.” The State Department spent $407,868 on Limos. The contracted propaganda press spent $376,957. When it was all tallied up, the American taxpayers have already spent $1,805,282 to send a group of elitist New World Order stooges to another country to legally scale back their living standards through incorporated Agenda 21 initiatives. Once again the liberal sociopaths are ignoring the scientific facts and statistics. Instead, pulling at our heart strings and ramming lies and guilt down our throats in order to achieve their New World Order agenda. Most sufferers of Stockholm syndrome will tell you that Obama and company need that money because these are important people making important decisions. However, the importance of any of these New World Order lackeys will likely be as a stain in a footnote of history. Where stupidity, hubris and greed raised its grisly self important head to once again challenge humanity’s intelligence and resolve. - Watch now
Date: 12/01/2015
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Date: 11/30/2015
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Date: 11/30/2015
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