believe this to be an error.
Professor Steven Jones'
groundbreaking presentation at the Rebuilding America's Senses event at the University of Texas. During the talk, Jones unveils
compelling new evidence that proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that artificial explosives were used to implode the twin towers on
In depth reports focusing on breaking news and specific subjects affecting our world On-Demand
Date: 05/25/2007
In this previously recorded bonus video of the Alex Jones Show broadcast on KLBJ, Alex delves into the grandstanding for an upcoming invasion of Iran, the propaganda preparation for the introduction of a carbon tax, as well as Rosie O'Donnell and The View. - Watch now
Date: 06/01/2007
Alex discusses how the media are attempting to dimiss the agenda for a North American Union by dismissing it as an urban legend, and one particular article which Alex analyzes point by point, decoding the prejudice and spin that is routinely employed by the media in attempting to brainwash the public on any given issue. - Watch now
Date: 06/08/2007
In this report taken from Alex's KLBJ show, Alex discusses MySpace's censorship of Ron Paul and Prison Planet, before talking about the plan for mass amnesty and how the media and the government are lying and downplaying the true scale of this America-ending piece of legislation. - Watch now
Date: 06/10/2007
Alex discusses how top Wall Street brokers admit that the stock market, the derivatives market and the Chicago Mercantile is completely rigged for the benefit of insiders and elitists, and also analyzes a Hannity and Colmes hit piece on Charlie Sheen and the 9/11 truth movement. - Watch now