Jason welcomes Lindsay Williams, the economic analyst who accurately predicted both the recent rise and
fall in oil prices. In the first hour, Bermas does a news blitz.
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Alex Jones Show Commercial Free Podcast
Date: 04/24/2009
Alex talks with Texas Rep. Ron Paul and regular guest Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster. Alex runs down the important issues of the day and takes your calls. - Watch now
Date: 04/23/2009
Jason talks with comedian Sheldon Anderson about how he discovered that the financial system was rigged from the inside and how he incorporates conspiracy topics into his work. - Watch now
Date: 04/23/2009
Alex welcomes to the show nationally-syndicated talk-radio show host and former Fox News co-anchor Alan Colmes. Alex also tackles a bevy of news and takes your calls. - Watch now
Date: 04/13/2009
Reporters from INFOWARS.COM were harassed and threatened with arrest in downtown Kansas City, Missouri after filming the local branch of the private Federal Reserve building. - Watch now