October 26, 2017
Video Archives
Thursday: Real News with David Knight. Hillary’s Birthday From Hell
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Thursday, October 26th: Hillary’s 70th is NOT a happy birthday. A Soros group has filed a complaint against her with the Fed Elections Commission and Trump’s DOJ has removed the gag order on the Uranium One whistleblower. Meanwhile, the sands of the hourglass may be running out on the PetroDollar and more lies emerge from Vegas shooting.
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Date: 10/26/2017
Thursday, October 26th: The DNC and Hillary find themselves on the receiving end of the Russia investigation, as new reports claim they funded the Trump dirty dossier, violated campaign finance law and may be guilty of at least 13 crimes. Meanwhile, the National Archives are set to release over 3,000 JFK files. On today's show, trends forecaster Gerald Celente joins us to break down the latest Clinton legal issues and more. - Watch now
Date: 10/25/2017
Wednesday, October 25th: On today's War Room, the Russian Collusion investigation has come full circle and backfired right on the Democrats, Hillary Clinton specifically. We open up the phone lines only to experience bizarre results... Trump tweets about the JFK files being released, and Corey Feldman calls out the pedophiles in Hollywood. All this and more. - Watch now
Date: 10/25/2017
Aleksandr Dugin looks at the globalist forces that destroyed Russia and are destroying the West. Lionel joins David to look at the REAL election collusion between establishment individuals & institutions. Will anyone investigate the FBI? - Watch now
Date: 10/25/2017
Wednesday, October 25th: The Fall Of The Democratic Party - The Hillary Clinton campaign and the DNC funded the infamous Russian dossier on Trump in an attempt to derail his presidential run. Author and television producer Ted Malloch to discuss the conflict between Spain and Catalonia and much more. Also, actor Corey Feldman has announced a plan to expose elite Hollywood pedophiles and the DoD announced a drill that will simulate a national power failure from a solar flare during the same time period as Antifa’s day of rage. We will take your calls on this worldwide transmission. Tune in! - Watch now