November 01, 2017
Video Archives
Wednesday: Real News with David Knight. CNN/MSNBC Loves Islam: Sacrificing Lives On PC Altar
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Wednesday, November 1st: Lionel on NYPD’s reveal of total surveillance in the aftermath of the terror attack, but they want even more. And, who was the NYC terrorist & what is the “Diversity Lottery” that brought him to America? Also, more Vegas lies, but investigation shows a sophisticated conspiracy...
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Date: 11/01/2017
Wednesday, November 1st: ISIS Strikes NYC - The mainstream media tried everything to downplay the Islamic connection to the NYC truck attack, but once again truth broke through their lies. We look into the political religion of radical Islam and how it's incompatible with the laws of the West. Survival expert Matt Bracken explains what this all means for you and your family. Also, Trump insider Roger Stone reveals the latest on the Manafort persecution as the globalists lose the narrative. Tune in! - Watch now
Date: 10/31/2017
Tuesday, October 31st: Today's War Room gets dominated by the breaking news that a man shouted Allahu Akbar right after he mowed down and killed multiple people in New York City, right by a school, park, and the World Trade Center. In other news, we look at the first stage of backfire from the Paul Manafort Indictment, as well as the ties to Ukraine that are being swept under the rug. In an interesting bit of news, an increased amount of robberies are taking place at gun stores around Texas, we discuss why this might be. - Watch now
Date: 10/31/2017
Tuesday, October 31st: Joseph Banister, the only agent to investigate the IRS and blow the whistle, recounts his story & exposes the recent IRS defiance of Trump’s executive orders on ObamaCare. And, the tales from THE BLACK STADIUM of ISIS tell a frightening story about the monster in our midst. - Watch now
Date: 10/31/2017
Tuesday, October 31st: Mueller Indictments Distraction From Uranium One - Mueller has charged Manafort and Gates with tax evasion and money laundering, but the charges have nothing to do with the Trump campaign. As the economy continues to strengthen, consumer confidence has hit the highest level since 2000. On today's show Intellihub founder Shepard Ambellas will break down the latest information regarding the Las Vegas shooting investigation. Also, "Based Stick Man" Kyle Chapman joins the program to discuss his ongoing battles with Antifa and more. We'll take your calls during this global transmission. - Watch now