November 06, 2017
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Monday: Alex Jones Show. Attacks on Senator Rand Paul and Texas Church Mark the Left’s Thirst for Blood
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Monday, November 6th, 2017: Libs Call to Ban Guns Following Texas Massacre - A massacre in Central Texas which left 26 dead and 20 injured has once again spurred liberal calls for gun control, despite an armed citizen minimizing the carnage. We'll also look at Trump's visit to Japan, the purge of Saudi royalty and the attack on Sen. Rand Paul. On today's show, editor and publisher of "The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report" Marc Faber discusses the economic bubbles facing the US and why he thinks Trump will be a world peace president. Also, persuasion expert and Dilbert creator Scott Adams joins the show to talk about the psychology behind recent terror attacks. We'll also take your calls during this worldwide transmission.
The Alex Jones Show
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