November 09, 2017
Video Archives
Thursday: Real News With David Knight. Harvey Spied To Get Dirt On Victims, Hillary Hires Spies To Write Dirty Fiction
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Thursday, Noveber 9th, 2017: Gerald Celente breaks down the risks of war and financial crises in the recent moves in Saudi Arabia and looks at hedges against financial risk — BitCoin & gold and Ty Clevenger, the man who wants to get Hillary & Comes disbarred for violating the law & committing perjury, is pushing FOIA requests to get to the bottom of their crimes and Mueller’s obstruction. Then,AR-15 Chainsaw Bayonet? Only in the imagination of USA Today.
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Date: 11/09/2017
Thursday, November 9th, 2017: 34-Hour LIVE Broadcast Continues!- Our celebration of the anniversary of Donald Trump's victory over globalism in the 2016 election continues. On today's Alex Jones Show, national security whistleblower Sibel Edmonds discusses the recent US terror attacks and special counsel Mueller's Russia investigation. Writer Shepard Ambellas also joins the show to talk about the Texas church shooting. We'll also break down the day's breaking news, including how the media was panicking over questions about Hillary Clinton's health and more. - Watch now
Date: 11/09/2017
Wednesday, November 8th, 2017: Today on the War Room we celebrate the 1 year anniversary of President Trump's historic victory in the 2016 election. - Watch now
Date: 11/08/2017
Wednesday November 8th, 2017: On the 1 year anniversary of Trump’s electoral victory, where are the tax cuts? GOP establishment is willing to destroy the economy to get Trump as the UN admits Paris Climate Agreement is useless. Then, Lionel exposes what mainstream media doesn’t want you to see in the Texas church shooting and what will Saudi Game of Thrones mean for the petrodollar and war? - Watch now
Date: 11/08/2017
Wednesday, November 8th, 2017: 34-Hour LIVE Broadcast! Today we celebrate the anniversary of Donald Trump's triumphant victory over Hillary Clinton - and globalism - in the 2016 election. Check out for live feeds, the full show schedule and guest list. Also, at 8pm CST Alex Jones hosts an AMA for Reddit's The_Donald! And of course we cover the day's breaking news, including how Democrats are celebrating election wins in states they already control. Tune in! - Watch now