November 18, 2017
Video Archives
Friday: War Room With Owen Shroyer. Democrats Ignore Poisoned Water Sources
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Friday, November 17th, 2017: Today on the War Room we have an exclusive report and video on Hillary Clinton's book signing tour in Austin Texas. Millie Weaver was there, and not only was she rudely treated by Hillary's supporters, she also caught footage of Hillary needing help out of her car. We take a look at a serious water contamination problem plaguing many U.S. cities as well as a possible ongoing investigation into the Clinton Foundation.
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Date: 11/17/2017
Friday, November 17th, 2017: Shiva Ayyadurai declares independence from the corrupt GOP establishment & Craig Richardson on the lawsuit that exposes Obama’s subversion of the Constitution. Then, Gloria Allred caught red-handed with a forgery, Hillary & her media protectors are feeling the heat as corruption witness nears testifying and Franken GropeGate & other Senate scandals. - Watch now
Date: 11/17/2017
Friday, November 17th, 2017: Franken Sex Allegation Hurts Dems - Sen. Al Franken has been accused of sexual assault, adding to the list of allegations in Washington D.C.. Candace Owens, known on the internet as Red Pill Black, joins today's broadcast to discuss the current anti-conservative hysteria in America as well as internet censorship. Also, the world's first successful head transplant has been completed in China and more European countries are revolting against the EU. Tune in to this worldwide transmission! - Watch now
Date: 11/17/2017
Thursday, November 16th, 2017: As more sexual assault allegations are reported every day, most recently Al Franken, we ask our female audience members if this is an every day issue for women in America, or just the symptoms of a political agenda by the establishment to try and save face by accusing and smearing their enemies. We also discuss the current status of the censorship campaign being waged by social media giants such as Twitter and Facebook. - Watch now