November 21, 2017
Video Archives
Tuesday: Real News With David Knight. Clinton Foundation Crumbling
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Tuesday, November 21st, 2017: What the latest filing of Clinton Foundation tells us about their corruption and how a proper investigation could bring down multiple globalist foundations. As John Conyers is the tip of the iceberg of sexual assaults that are hidden by taxpayers as they send us the bill.Then new lawsuits are coming from women assaulted by Bill Clinton AFTER leaving presidency while MSM & Dems are already turning on the Clintons,as Rex Tillerson’s State Dept celebrates transgenders — and why this shouldn’t surprise you.
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Date: 11/21/2017
Monday, November 20th, 2017: New sexual assault allegations hit the media and news cycle everyday. More accusers against Bill Clinton and Al Franken, only to be followed up with accusers of CBS reporter Charlie Rose. On today's War Room, we discuss the real reason behind this wave of allegations and ask whether we would be seeing this if Hillary Clinton had won the Presidential Election. Roger Stone returns to discuss the current state of his lawsuit against Twitter. - Watch now
Date: 11/20/2017
Monday, November 20th, 2017: The USA is not just an empire abroad, but an empire within — an artificial political construct that no longer has a real basis for unity. Can it be turned around? What are the consequences. Regardless of what you think about the Bundy standoff, the prison conditions and long incarceration without bail of the defendants should concern everyone — as well as the concealment of evidence. Jason Goodman, Crowdstrike the Truth, reports from Las Vegas. John Kelly’s assistant, going through the confirmation process now, opposes Trump’s Border Agenda on every key point (the Wall, DACA, worker Visas). - Watch now
Date: 11/20/2017
Monday, November 20th, 2017: Charles Manson Rots In Hell - Psychotic cult leader Charles Manson died of natural causes yesterday at the age of 83 at a Kern Country hospital. Simon Roche will join today's broadcast to discuss the bloody civil war brewing in South Africa. Also, Stefan Molyneux breaks down the state of masculinity in the western world and more. We’ll take your calls on this worldwide transmission, so tune in! - Watch now