December 09, 2017
Video Archives
War Room With Owen Shroyer. Trump Delivers Again, 2 Million Jobs Created
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Friday, December 8th, 2017: Today's War Room highlights President Trump's total delivery on the economy, as the latest jobs numbers show he is coming through on his promises. Meanwhile, the deep state is trying everything to stop the American momentum, but falling apart in it's effort as Roy Moore's accuser admits to being a liar. All that and more, as the Department of Justice is announcing an investigation into Planned Parenthood.
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Friday, December 8th, 2017: Trumpconomy - The job market is strengthening under President Trump, which underscores how the Democrats have abandoned the working-class by trying to remove Trump from office. Their gameplan is not jobs, but rather the importation of a migrant class on permanent welfare. Business author Ted Malloch reveals what's behind the curtain of globalism and how markets can thrive in a post-NWO world.We also take your calls throughout the broadcast. Tune in! - Watch now
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