December 21, 2017
Video Archives
Wednesday: War Room With Owen Shroyer & Roger Stone. Huge Win For Trump, Tax Cut Pass
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Wednesday, December 20, 2017: A historic day for America, as Trump's Tax plan has passed the Senate and the House, as President Trump readies some of the biggest tax cuts in American history, fulfilling another promise to the America people. The War Room analyzes the details of the tax plan, what it means for Americans, and how to combat the scripted fake talking points put out by Democrats and fake news.
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Date: 12/20/2017
Wednesday, December 20, 2017: Democrats leaders are beside themselves at both Trump tax cuts and his changing National Security priorities from Obama’s climate change to controlling borders and opening up the economy. Bernie Sanders comes after homeschoolers and the US DOJ & EU highest court go after Uber. - Watch now
Date: 12/20/2017
Wednesday, December 20, 2017: Christmas Tax Cuts Pass! - The GOP tax cut was approved by the Senate on Wednesday morning, despite the fact that not one Democrat voted for it and now the House will hold a re-vote to finalize the decision at which point President Trump will make an official announcement. Also, Dr. Edward Group joins the transmission to share some holiday health tips and cover other current events. Singer and political commentator, Joy Villa, joins today's show to discuss her plan to run for Congress in the state of Florida. We will take your calls throughout the broadcast! - Watch now
Date: 12/20/2017
Tuesday, December 19, 2017: President Trump's tax plan passes in the House and it set for a Senate vote. Meanwhile, the deep state is attempting to cover it's dirty track on the fake Trump dossier, by skipping meetings and distracting from the news being exposed about Obama's DOJ and FBI. The censorship of conservatives on social media continues, as the fake news media is struggling for life. - Watch now
Date: 12/19/2017
Tuesday, December 19, 2017: While millennials praise communism, Venezuelans show us the Ghost of Christmas Future if the Bernie Sandernistas win. Matt Bracken breaks down the players in the Mueller Coup and asks which one will flip on the others to keep from going to jail for past Clinton crimes. Roger Stone corrects the record on Trump’s chances of survival and Sibel Edmonds reveals the Imam & the agenda behind the massive Charter School network. - Watch now