Jason Bermas fills in for Alex for this Sunday
edition, a round of of the past week's news and a look ahead to next week.
Watch Alex's live TV/Radio broadcast. Monday through Friday from 11 AM to 2 PM CST and Sundays from 4 PM to 6 PM CST
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Date: 05/08/2009
Jason talks about plans to mandatory drug screen the entire population, as well as Baxter's denial that they shipped out an avian flu infected vaccine. In the second hour, Jason welcomes R.J. Harris from Oklahoma, who is running for a Congressional seat. - Watch now
Date: 05/08/2009
Jason Bermas continues to sit in while Alex is away. Alex calls into the show with updates from the road. Guests include Bob Chapman of the International Forecaster, Chris Pinto, award-winning filmmaker and director of Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings, and New World Order researcher and talk show host Alan Watt. - Watch now
Date: 05/07/2009
Jason welcomes to the show ex-IRS agent Joe Banister. Banister resigned from the IRS and later appeared on the television program Sixty Minutes II challenging the conduct of the IRS concerning legal issues with taxation. - Watch now
Date: 05/07/2009
Jason Bermas holds down the Infowars command center. Alex calls in from the road. Today's guests include Stewart Rhodes from Oath Keepers, an organization of veterans and peace officers who have taken an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and activist, video producer, former radio talk show host and author Mark Dice. Mark's latest book is The Illuminati: Facts & Fiction, available at Alex Jones' Infowars store. - Watch now