January 22, 2018
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Real News With David Knight. The REAL Govt. Shutdown, Shadow Govt. Shuns Republic
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Monday, January 22, 2018: A day after FISA was reauthorized despite abuse, “The Memo” was released on the House floor. The timing and the impotent handwringing of #ReleaseTheMemo” are suspicious. And, will the GOP cave on illegal immigration to stop the Schumer “crisis” of paid vacations? Will they enact “Work Control” on American citizens?
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Date: 01/22/2018
Monday, January 22, 2018: Communist China Works with Dems to Extend Gov Shutdown - The Schumer Shutdown blame game continues, as Democrats insist they're not responsible, while the Chinese government mocks President Trump. And European countries move to censor conservative political speech on the web and social media. And a PR stunt from late night comic Conan O'Brien also fails spectacularly. Film director Joel Gilbert discusses his latest project, "Trump: The Art of the Insult," breaking down how Trump used his marketing genius to capture the hearts of middle America. We’ll also take your calls on this global transmission. Tune in! - Watch now
Date: 01/20/2018
to be added... - Watch now
Date: 01/19/2018
Friday, January 19, 2018: Not even a 6 year extension on an entitlement program for just delaying Dreamer amnesty for a month is enough for the Democrats. After losing over 1,000 offices, the future of their party demands citizenship for 3.6 Million foreigners & families. Then, Sheri Tenpenny reveals the CDC’s own figures show the flu is at the lowest level in 19 years. So what is really making people sick? And, Jon Rappoport exposes the dangerous, ineffective vaccines & Tamiflu treatment. And, what’s in the 4 page memo that shakes the confidence in law enforcement & surveillance state of Congressmen who’ve seen it? - Watch now