February 09, 2018
Video Archives
Real News With David Knight. “Swamp Stench”: Secret Budgets, Secret Government
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Friday, February 9, 2018: David Knight reveals the deficit hypocrisy and special breaks. Charles Ortel joins to reveal a ‘silver bullet’ that could take down the Clintons (it’s not the pay-to-play Uranium One scandal). We speak with callers about DACA, immigration, vaccines, and how to get an “A” in college for joining your local Antifa protests.
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Date: 02/09/2018
Friday, February 9, 2018: Rand vs. The Swamp! - Pro-American Rand Paul declared persona non grata by the establishment in DC for calling out politicians carelessly spending tax dollars. Nearby, Trump foiled the government shutdown with his signature on the budget deal. Joining the conversation is former Navy SEAL and political insider Matt Bracken to discuss the FBI texts and more. Start your weekend right by staying in the know with today’s show! - Watch now
Date: 02/09/2018
Thursday, February 8, 2018: The stock market had another day of volatility and plunges, we evaluate why, and look at the future of the stock market. Meanwhile, more evidence continues to mount that Obama and Clinton were the ones behind stopping Clinton from being fairly investigated, and getting the FISA warrant to spy on Trump's campaign. We also get the rare opportunity to respond to a liberal caller. - Watch now
Date: 02/08/2018
Thursday, February 8, 2018: Both parties have migrated on illegal aliens to views that used to be foreign. Gerald Celente joins to look at the budget deal, real economic bellwether, and geopolitics. A look at Nancy Pelosi's 8 hrs of "Dreamer" worship and the explosion in warfare/welfare spending. All of this and more. Tune in! - Watch now
Date: 02/08/2018
Thursday, February 8, 2018: Deep State Spies on PRESIDENT Trump! - Shocking revelations reveal that the DOJ and the FBI continued to spy on President Trump after he made home in the White House! The stock market is also tumbling as the Deep State tries to manipulate the economy to make Trump look bad, and Bitcoin insider Roger Ver explains some of the inner workings of the market. You are not going to want to miss this, so tune in! - Watch now