March 01, 2018
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Real News With David Knight. Is 2nd Amendment A Bargaining Chip?
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Thursday, March 1, 2018: “You have a different President now” said Trump as Feinstein can’t control her glee, and GOP is stunned. Trump taunts Senators about being “petrified” of NRA and tells Congressman Scalise to forget about being able to carry a gun (less than a year after he was shot) because they have “comprehensive” gun legislation to get through. What’s going on? Meanwhile, YouTube admits censorship of conservatives and Facebook’s new algorithm has dropped Trump’s engagement by 45%. Then, Marc Morano gives us a preview of “The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change”.
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Date: 03/01/2018
Wednesday, February 28, 2018: Infowars and it's audience called out the censorship on Youtube as they were purging conservatives and Trump supporters, and now they have responded by admitting it and apologizing. Though this is a massive victory for Infowars, it is not the end of the info war. Meanwhile, Hope Hicks resigns, Jeff Sessions is called out by President Trump, and an armed teacher barricades himself in a Georgia school. - Watch now
Date: 02/28/2018
Wednesday, February 28, 2018: The Inspector General, Horowitz, will soon release his report on Obama’s FBI & DOJ abuses. But we’ve already learned that sexual assault & harassment were rampant in Comey’s FBI and both Comey & AG Lynch attempted to obstruct justice. Meanwhile, a judge has ruled that the FBI agent that fired shots at Lavoy Finicum WILL face charges. Then Dr. Bonner Cohen talks about actual Russian collusion with “green” lobbyist groups and Dr. Jerome Corsi on harassment & bullying by the internet oligarchs — how did we get here, what needs to be done. - Watch now
The Alex Jones Show. WARNING: Massive False Flag Incoming, Globalists Pushing To Destroy Free Speech
Date: 02/28/2018
Wednesday, February 28, 2018: Free speech is under censorship assault by globalists while Infowars serves as the bulwark for the rest of alternative media. Furthermore, the mainstream push for normalizing gun control found victory with retail giant Dick’s Sporting Goods’ announcement to stop selling “assault-style” rifles. Also, spread the word for Thursday’s Operation Paul Revere 2018! Today’s in-studio guest is’s Mike Adams discussing current developments in natural health. Roger Stone hosts the final hour. - Watch now