March 28, 2018
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SCOTUS Needs Term Limits & Oath Breaking Traitors Need Impeachment
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A new “CLOUD Act” was sneaked silently into the omnibus budget at the last minute. Romney moves the right of Trump on DACA. Former Supreme Court “Justice” John Paul Stevens is a case in point of the hopeless corruption that unlimited power brings as he has spent a career undermining the Constitution he faithlessly swore to uphold. But Dems want to ban ammunition, “seize, not confiscate” weapons, etc. And, Eric Peters joins to talk about the coming control grid to control your movements and turn you into renters.
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Date: 03/28/2018
President Trump proclaims, 'The Second Amendment will never be repealed!' as Democrats ratchet up their attacks on gun rights. Meanwhile, the president takes aim at Amazon's growing monopoly, and hints at an upcoming meeting with the leader of North Korea. On today's show, author Shazia Hobbs discusses and its documentation of the abuse of Muslim children by Muslim men. We'll also break down the fall of Facebook, the success of ABC's pro-Trump Roseanne show. - Watch now
Date: 03/23/2018
President Trump has just signed the new budget deal which includes funding to Planned Parenthood, as well as increases to congress's budget and salaries while not addressing the necessities for a border wall. We take callers response to this to find out how Trump's base feels about the bill. We also cover news from Canada indication a gun confiscation may be on the horizon. - Watch now
Date: 03/23/2018
Veto Power - President Trump openly entertains vetoing the spending bill passed by Congress. He calls Dems out for abandoning their DACA political pawns while staying true to his base by noting the “desperately needed” border wall is not fully funded. Also, China selected over 100 US products as potential targets for retaliation to Trump’s $60 billion worth of tariffs on Chinese imports. The president is leveling the international playing field of trade in his fight against globalism - Watch now
Date: 03/27/2018
The relentless attack on the second amendment by the left gets worse as the days go by. Their marchers continue to protest against their own rights and ignore the historical significance of the second amendment. We talk to a man who saved his life with his riffle when his home was invaded with his family inside. We also talk to Jesse Lee Peterson who was met with hatred on the streets during the March For Our Lives. - Watch now