March 04, 2019
Video Archives
Green Bubble Collapses, Big Pharma’s Vax Panic, Salisbury “Novichok” Anniversary
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When NPR starts talking about actual science, have we reached peak climate alarmism? Meanwhile the vaccine panic narrative is ramping up, aided by a video game simulation. And, “Leaving Neverland”, Ian McKellen, Cardinal Pell, Jeffrey Epstein, transgender education — preparing the way for the normalizing of pedophilia.
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Date: 03/03/2019
President Trump delivered a two-hour marathon speech at CPAC 2019, downloading on Mueller's witch hunt, the obstructionist Democrats, socialism and the Green New Deal. Meanwhile, Dems are readying a series of their own investigations into Trump regardless of Mueller's findings in a desperate last stand to undo the 2016 election. On today's show, we discuss how their treachery will unfold, and how Trump must declassify all FISA documents as soon as Mueller's report is finished. - Watch now
Date: 03/01/2019
On this Friday’s edition of the War Room, Rob Dew and Owen Shroyer open the show with an exclusive announcement, followed by commentary on the latest news from the UK with Katie Hopkins. Dew also uncovers some of the latest vaccine news and is then joined in studio by Savanah Hernandez who announces the next attempt on confronting the Mayor of Austin on the unfair advantages the city gives to Planned Parenthood. - Watch now
Date: 03/01/2019
Eric Peters joins — electric car fires and cooling demand for all cars; Simon Roche, USA Dems follow African Marixists in demanding “reparations” - Watch now