March 15, 2019
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New Zealand Shooter's Manifesto Broken Down And Explained
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The New Zealand shooting is the biggest story on everyone’s minds today, we break it down and the Manifesto the shooter left and what it means. In other news, we look at the deep trouble big tech in America may be in as well as legal developments in the Supreme Court and the Department of Intelligence Agency.
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Date: 03/15/2019
Dozens of people in a New Zealand mosque were gunned down by a terrorist who live-streamed the entire massacre. Multiple people have been arrested including one man who has been charged with murder. The PM says now is one of the nation’s “darkest days.” Additionally, at least 48 are suffering injuries ranged from minor to critical. Today’s special guests include regional expert Syrian Girl, SEAL graduate Matt Bracken, and founder of the Oath Keepers Stewart Rhodes breaking down the terror attack. Start your weekend informed. - Watch now
Date: 03/15/2019
The NZ shooter said his goal was to start a US civil war by goading the left into gun confiscation. The left is chomping at the bit to attack both 1st & 2nd Amendments though he self-identified as an “eco-fascist”, calling conservatives “corporatists” and saying he doesn’t like Trump and isn’t a Christian. He correctly identifies the problem of “people replacement” pushed by the UN just as Andrew Yang correctly identifies the coming depression based on automation unemployment but they both have the wrong solution. Matt Bracken joins and then we look at the government coverup of faulty medical devices and vaccine injuries and death. - Watch now
Date: 03/14/2019
Today The War Room takes calls on three major topics in America today. Most callers weigh in on the Varsity Blues college admissions scandal. We also take calls on Obama’s aide intervening in the Smollett probe and the criminal investigation into Facebook’s data sharing. - Watch now
Date: 03/14/2019
Former Texas Rep. Beto O'Rourke launched his 2020 presidential campaign with climate change fear-mongering warning we have 12 years to fix the planet or suffer hundreds of millions of “climate refugees.” He went on to praise Ocasio-Cortez's Green New Deal saying it could prevent the “extinction” of the human race. Joining today’s show is Paul Joseph Watson revealing cutting-edge intel on UK’s Brexit fight and Europe’s migrant crisis. Call and tune in now! - Watch now