March 20, 2019
Video Archives
The Real Mueller Story Is Not Russia Probe But Pedogate
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Major breaking news is going uncovered as the lose ends of Jeffrey Epstein plea deal are being pulled on and anonymous names are trying to keep them tied. Tommy Sotomayor joins us to talk the war on masculity and how it is destroying the family. Laura Loomer also joins to talk #StopTheBias.
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Date: 03/20/2019
With Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe findings expected to be made public any day now, all factions are bracing for what Infowars predicted all along: there's no conspiracy between Trump and Russia during the 2016 presidential campaign. The reveal of the most hyped nothing-burger in decades is set to trigger an unprecedented meltdown from leftists across America. Joining today’s show is American Attorney Robert Barnes sharing his fight to help innocent people against fake news and the DC Swamp. Also, citizen-journalist Laura Loomer explains her groundbreaking tactics against leftists. - Watch now
Date: 03/20/2019
It’s a perfect storm: a global debt bubble, unemployment greater then the Great Depression, tribal conflicts engineered by mass migration and concentration of technology in the hands of a few masters to read your mind & change humanity genetically. But Andrew Yang, hero to the millennials, has a solution — for EVERYTHING — from circumcision to hate speech and empty malls. And the real admission scandal is what the Democrats want to do to the Electoral College and the new House bill to destroy all religious liberty. - Watch now
Date: 03/19/2019
As President Trump announces he will be looking into the political bias taking place at social media companies, we display in real time how the censorship is happening. We also discuss the significant of Devin Nunes filing suit for $250 million against Twitter. David Sumrall from and Elijah Schaffer from join us. - Watch now
Date: 03/19/2019
Globalists around the world are using the New Zealand mosque shooting to criminalize free speech and restrict law- abiding citizens’ access to firearms. Stateside, Americans are noticing a shift towards Communism led by the Democrats. Joining today’s show is Infowars reporter Millie Weaver discussing her interview with presidential candidate Beto O’Rouke where he admitted he supports third-trimester abortions. Call and tune in now! - Watch now