April 17, 2019
Video Archives
AG William Barr TO Hold Press Conference on Mueller Report
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Attorney General William Barr has announced he will be holding a press conference and be taking questions in regards to the release of the Mueller report. Dr. Nick Beggich is in studio to discuss the culture war in Europe and the truth about climate change. Tommy Sotomayor joins the War Room to discuss the war on men.
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Date: 04/17/2019
AG William Barr is set to release a redacted version of special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russian collusion report. Swamp creatures in Washington are already planning to issue subpoenas “very quickly” for the full report if it’s released with blacked-out sections. Today’s in-studio guest is “Angels Don’t Play This HAARP” author Dr. Nick Begich revealing globalists' advances to control the masses. Also, Vatican insider Leo Zagami breaks down the future of Notre Dame and heavyweight champion Nino Rodriguez discusses the criminal activity on the southern border. - Watch now
Date: 04/17/2019
UK government says Gatwick drone crisis that kept 140,000 stranded for days may have been “an inside job” or it may not have existed at all. But don’t dare question the Notre Dame fire was anything but an accident. Church attacks, suspicious video, social media taunting by Islamists, and censorship by FOX news. Then, volunteer TJ Morris joins with an eyewitness account of media cover-up of FEMA’s failure as feds prepare to leave Florida’s panhandle months after Hurricane Michael with only 10% of the job done. And, Bernie’s supporters are disillusioned about his silence on Assange. Should they be surprised the Marxist fossil disses free speech after he censored and slandered InfoWars? - Watch now
Date: 04/16/2019
The double think of the Democrats has reached new peak level of insanity as their sanctuary city policy is being accepted by Trump and now they say it is illegal. We also hear from Infowars Army after they were confronted by 2 thugs in Houston at an event. The ultimate Bernie Sanders clip exposes how much of a fraud he is. - Watch now
Date: 04/16/2019
French authorities are launching a criminal probe into the Notre Dame fire with the specific focus on the employees of arestoration company. Experts predict rebuilding the gothic landmark will take decades. Also, a French priest is being described as a hero for saving Christian relics from the blazing cathedral - including the Crown of Thorns. Joining today’s show is CannaSense spokesperson Daniel Crumpton sharing his journey helping qualified patients gain access to cannabis medication. - Watch now