Channel: All


  • Nightly News

    Date: 11/16/2016

    On this Tuesday, November 15th, 2016 edition of the Infowars Nightly News, Lee Ann McAdoo looks at how the establishment media wants you to live in the land of make believe. They say everything apart from them is fake news! Now that they no longer control the narrative, the disgraced establishment media is concerned about the First Amendment. This is after systematically destroying by becoming political campaign hacks and watching idly as college crybabies demand their feelings are more important. - Watch now

  • Nightly News

    Date: 10/06/2016

    On this Wednesday, October 6th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, Was it a Freudian slip or a flashback to a MAD mindset of Mutually Assured Destruction? Kaine used the term “tote-to-toe with the Russians” 3 times, bragging about the how Hillary restarted the Cold War as Secretary of State. We look at how the insanity of the Cold War parodied by Stanley Kubrick in “Dr. Strangelove” is being brought back with an even more dangerous spin. This time, we’re willing to start World War 3 over an alleged “cyber-attack” as Hillary pointed out. - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 06/15/2016

    On this Wednesday, June 15th 2016 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover the latest assaults on the Second Amendment, including a report that Academy Sports will keep a database on customers who buy so-called “assault rifle” ammunition. Special Forces op Tim Kennedy is live in studio to discuss the Second Amendment and ISIS sleeper cells in America. Also, whistleblower Philip Haney reveals how Hillary’s State Dept. blocked an FBI investigation into the Orlando killer’s mosque. Rob Dew & Josh Owens reveal the truth about the Islamic takeover of Germany - and how it can happen in the U.S. Tune in! - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 06/06/2016

    On this Monday, June 6th 2016 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we look into the shocking, new book written by a former Secret Service agent which reveals the real Hillary Clinton, not the one you see on TV. Also, Rob Dew & Josh Owens are live from Germany where they are reporting on both the migrant crisis and the upcoming Bilderberg meeting in Dresden. And Fox News correspondent Tucker Carlson discusses the state of the presidential race and more. Tune in! - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 04/28/2016

    On this Thursday, April 28th, 2016 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, Rafael 'Ted' Cruz announces Carly Fiorina as his running mate, as the rest of America seems set on a Trump/ Clinton rivalry. We'll break down the GOP frontrunner's foreign policy speech, in which Trump castigated Obama and political rival Clinton for advancing the foreign policy objectives of the establishment. Meanwhile, a former prosecutor predicts the legal case over the death of a Baltimore teen could spark riots if a white officer is not indicted. On today's show, Coast to Coast AM radio host George Noory discusses the elections, geopolitics and more. Political commentator and social activist Mark Dice also joins the show to break down his latest video showing Americans pledging to ban cash, the Beyoncé video controversy and more. We'll also take your calls on this worldwide transmission. - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 04/19/2016

    On the Tuesday, April 19th 2016 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, a critically-acclaimed viral rap song threatens riots and the assassination of Donald Trump if he wins the presidency. Meanwhile, the GOP frontrunner doubles down on calling for the redacted 9/11 documents to be released. On today’s show, Smashing Pumpkins frontman Billy Corgan visits the studio to discuss his views on political correctness and more. Researcher and director of the controversial film “Vaxxed: From Cover-up to Catastrophe” Dr. Andrew Wakefield also joins the show to break down the Tribeca Film Festival incident, actor Robert De Niro's support and the ongoing fight for vaccine awareness. We'll also take your calls on today's worldwide broadcast. - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 04/13/2016

    On this Wednesday, April 13th 2016 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover the uptick in Syrian refugees entering the United States, the unlikelihood of Hillary Clinton going on probation, and Roger Stone’s demand that Trump delegates sign a loyal pledge ahead of the convention. On today’s worldwide broadcast, we talk with Chuck Untersee, director of 'Revelation: Dawn of Global Government', starring country music legend Charlie Daniels, and Kamal Saleem, who was recruited by the Muslim Brotherhood at an early age before turning to Christ and establishing the Koome Ministries. We also talk with Stewart Rhodes, the founder and President of Oath Keepers, a non-partisan association of current and formerly serving military, police, and first responders, who pledge to fulfill the oath all military and police take to “defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” - Watch now

  • Special Reports

    Date: 12/15/2015

    Donald Trump has been swatting away the lame stream media flies after making this bold statement. Soon after that statement the liberal reactionaries on twitter replied with fervor, even going so far as to call for Trump’s Assassination. Tweets included “Can we kill Trump?” “Now he wants to impede muslims from entering the US? Some one really needs to kill trump ASAP” “Somebody kill Trump, I genuinely mean it.”and “I’d rather murder Trump and rot in jail than let my kid grow up in a world with Trump as President” - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 11/20/2015

    On the Friday, November 20 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, ISIS issues another threat to the United States in the wake of the Paris terror attack, asserting 'the White House will turn black with our fire.' In the meantime, the UN, the US and France dispatch troops to a hotel in Mali where a terrorist attack left three dead. Former Sen. Mike Gravel joins the show today to break down how the 28 classified documents prove a Saudi link to 9/11, and give his take on the Paris attacks. We'll also take your calls on this global transmission. - Watch now

  • Nightly News

    Date: 11/14/2015

    The death toll is currently more than 150 people after a series of terror attacks rocked Paris Friday night. France has declared a state of emergency, the military has been called in, borders have been sealed and the city is under the first curfew since 1944. This is just the beginning of global chaos as countries are flooded with Islamic migrants, some of whom have pledged allegiance to ISIS. - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 11/12/2015

    On this Thursday, October 12 edition of the Alex Jones Show we cover the latest politically correct insanity at Mizzou as activists call for racial segregation and the the race- based Marxist contagion spreads to Ithaca college. Other stories include the rape crisis in Sweden as illegal immigrants pour in and demand accommodations, a prediction on the death of cash by Apple’s CEO, and Syria threatening to take out a French aircraft carrier. On today’s broadcast we talk with Darrell Hamamoto, a Professor of Asian American Studies at the University of California, about Cloward & Piven and the mass insanity of political correctness. We also talk with Larry Nichols about the plan by Republicans to oust Trump and Carson and work toward getting Jeb Bush elected president. - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 11/10/2015

    On this Tuesday, November 10 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we report on the University of Missouri journalism professor who ironically threatened a reporter with mob violence for filming in a public area. Rush Limbaugh said the Mizzou president resigned for the "crime of being white." Syndicated radio host Mancow joins the show to reveal how political correctness has purged the "Princess Leia slave girl" image from existence and to discuss the Big Brother sky blimps watching your daily activities. Also, Dr. Edward Group reports on the latest health developments you're going to want to know about. Tune in! - Watch now