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Alex Jones Show
Date: 07/29/2016
On this Friday, July 29th 2016 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, Trump fires back after Hillary slams him during her coronation. We'll break down the last night at the DNC, Clinton's speech and protests outside, where Bernie supporters have been left out in the cold. On today’s broadcast, we speak with Bill Federer from about election 2016 and where he sees it all going. We'll also continue breaking down our coverage of the DNC, and take your calls during this global transmission. - Watch now
Thursday: The Alex Jones Show. Investigator: World Goverment Is In Trouble, On The Verge Of Collapse
Alex Jones Show
Date: 05/05/2016
On this Thursday, May 5th 2016 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover post election fallout, including Roger Stone’s claim Ted Cruz dropped out because of the revelation his father worked with Lee Harvey Oswald and was connected to the assassination of JFK. Other stories we cover include neocons running scared of Ron Paul becoming Secretary of State, Donald Trump telling an apologetic Vicente Fox Mexico needs get its money ready, because they are going to build a wall on the border, Guccifer’s hacking of Hillary Clinton’s email server, Obama’s push back on North Carolina’s refusal to implement “gender fluid” bathrooms, and version 2 0f Europe’s illegal immigrant invasion. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 04/27/2016
On This Wednesday, April 27th, 2016 edition of the Alex Jones Show we cover the Super Tuesday results, Donald Trump’s victory, and the mathematical elimination of Ted Cruz from the race. We also cover the possibility the GOP will search for a third-party alternative if Cruz is defeated next week in Indiana, the ongoing Islamization of Europe, and Alex Jones’ open letter to the CIA, NSA, and other collaborators. On today’s broadcast, we talk with former Navy SEAL Matt Bracken about Islam’s 2016 European offensive and political consultant and strategist Roger Stone about the upcoming protest at the RNC convention in July. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 03/12/2016
On this Friday, March 11th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, Trump says enough with the debates, France send Tech Execs to prison for refusing to cooperate with their surveillance state. Then the homeland security finds homework inside of a backpack and UN adopts 1st resolution tackling sex abuse by the Un troops and a couple is taken hostage in their own home managed to escape to take out their offender with a gun. Plus the madness in the St. Louis Trump Rally. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 03/02/2016
On this Tuesday, March 1st, 2016 edition of The Infowars Nightly News, Live coverage and analysis Of Super Tuesday. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 02/24/2016
On this Wednesday, February 24 edition of the Alex Jones Show we cover Democrat frontrunner Hillary Clinton’s demand white Americans “recognize our privilege” and “ practice humility” as the racist group Black Lives Matter makes increasingly outrageous political demands. We also examine Trump insider Roger Stone’s accusation that he was banned from CNN on the orders of Clinton. Other stories include the death of the dollar as other nations trade in rival currencies and the weaponization of democracy. On today’s broadcast we talk with former Clinton insider Larry Nichols - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 02/02/2016
On this Tuesday, February 2nd edition of the Alex Jones Show, we look into the aftermath of the Iowa caucus, why the results don't matter as much as the mainstream media claims and how they were likely rigged anyway. Investigative journalist Wayne Madsen reveals more about the caucus and what they may not be telling you about Marco Rubio. Also, we look into Obama's latest gun grab and Judicial Watch founder Larry Klayman explains what the White House is up to next. Tune in! - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 02/01/2016
On this Monday, February 1st edition of the Alex Jones Show, we follow the caucus results in Iowa as the the 2016 election process gets underway. News stories covered on today’s worldwide broadcast include: the laughable claim by candidate Hillary Clinton that she is “not in the pocket of anyone” after receiving millions of dollars from George Soros and bankers, Ron Paul’s prediction that the DNC may dump Clinton in favor of John Kerry or Joe Biden, Microsoft’s tinkering with poll results in Iowa, and the political tide turning in Germany as the people boo and jeer Chancellor Angela Merkel - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 01/27/2016
On this Tuesday, January 26th edition of the Infowars Nightly News, Senator Warns of "International Martial Law” A new bill making its way through Congress contains “dangerous and unprecedented” language that could be considered a “declaration of international martial law,” a US senator warned last Thursday. Obama Usurps U.S. War Powers , Now that the Bill of Rights have been largely destroyed by our Corporatized Government. President Obama has decided to go for the meat of the American Constitution. The War Powers of the Constitution Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 of the United States Constitution, sometimes referred to as the War Powers Clause, vests in the Congress the power to declare war,: The Congress shall have Power... To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water. So while the East Coast was buried under record snowfall. Obama’s faux Republican minions Lindsay Graham and Mitch McConnell scuttled another dangerous fast tracked bill into the halls of the most hated congress in U.S. History. The Foreign Relations Committee chair, Senator Bob Corker was bypassed by McConnell’s fast track. Following World War 2 the United State’s leadership has continually sought to foment and drive the Industrial Military complex machine into a unending unconstitutional state of global war. We have finally reached the precipice of the total annihilation of the balance of powers that act as the foundation of our Republic. President Obama is desperately attempting to disarm the public and re engineer the United States into a lawless military state overseen by corrupt politicians on par with the horror south of our border. If I die, It Wasn't Suicide. Bill Clinton's former mistress fears for her life as she's set to release a tell-all book. Plus, incredibly influential CEO says Hillary will win, it's already been decided. Top Economist Max Keiser Votes Trump. - Watch now