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  • Nightly News

    Date: 04/19/2016

    On this Monday, April 18th, 2016 of the Infowars Nightly News, Saudi Arabia says it will sell off billions of American assets if questions surrounding 9/11 continue. A veteran loses child custody after his marijuana PTSD treatment. After that the latest from the campaign trail and the media chimes in on why Hillary has such bad poll numbers. - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 09/17/2014

    On this Must See Wednesday, September 17 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the latest on the Ebola virus now spreading across western Africa and Obama's military response to the growing epidemic while the border in the United States remains open to everything from drug dealers and foreign terrorists. Alex also covers a United Nations vaccination program overseen by al-Qaeda “rebels” in Syria that has killed dozens of children and he also covers the admission by a U.S. military official that Arab allies of the U.S. fund ISIS. On today's show Alex talks with Scottish-American computer programmer and founder of McAfee, Inc., John McAfee about new Apple product releases, biometrics, and cyber security. If you have any skeptics in your midst, please share this show with them. If this doesn't wake them up... nothing will. - Watch now