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Alex Jones Show
Date: 03/02/2016
On the Wednesday, March 2 broadcast of Infowars Live, Donald Trump wins big on Super Tuesday, putting him one step closer to winning the Republican nomination. War candidate Hillary Clinton also trounced Bernie Sanders, despite her track record and the role she played in the destruction of Libya. And former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura says he will consider running for president if Hillary Clinton becomes the Democratic nominee. Antivirus developer John Mcafee joins the program today to discuss the FBI's attempt to force Apple to develop an iPhone backdoor. We'll also examine billionaire George Soros' visit to the White House, the ongoing European refugee invasion and take your calls on this worldwide edition. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 02/23/2016
On this Tuesday, February 23rd 2016 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we look into Trump's call for an audit of the Federal Reserve System and his vow to persecute Hillary Clinton if elected president. We also look into how President Obama cracked a joke at Scalia's expense and the latest X-Files episode influenced by Infowars. Security expert and libertarian presidential candidate John McAfee joins the broadcast to discuss the latest dispute between the FBI and Apple. Tune in! - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 02/04/2015
On the Wednesday, February 4 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, Jones breaks down the Islamic State's latest brutal terror act, in which they executed a Jordanian captive by setting him on fire. Jones continues to review the over-the-top measles vaccine propaganda, and considers the so-called “solutions” the establishment has prepared. On today's show, Alex also looks at the IRS' confirmation that it is indeed offering extra tax refunds to illegals granted amnesty from deportation, Apple's move into the self-driving car industry and the FCC's proposed “net neutrality rules.” - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 09/11/2014
On this September 10,2014 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, Rob Dew covers Obama To Strike Syria Instead of Securing The Border. Ron Paul Release 28 pages of secret 9/11 report. George W. Bush Had Prior Knowledge of ISIS.Apple Said to Reap Fees From Banks in New Payment System.James Woods On Holder Race Attacks.Vice principal files a claim against city and police over gun arrest. Sept. 11 Fund-United Way Giving Donations To Leftest's Causes! - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 09/05/2014
On this September 4, 2014 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News. David Knight Hosts. News Covered: US Boots in Iraq and Baltics, Authorization to Attack Syria…and US Troops in Ukraine! Sanctions Boomerang, Threaten U.S. Supply of Russian Rocket Engines. THE FICTION OF “FIGHTING THE ISLAMIC STATE”, AN ENTITY CREATED AND FINANCED BY THE U.S. AND SAUDI ARABIA. Journalist Arrested For Photographing NATO Security Barriers. Fight for $15 minimum wage is a fight for compulsory unemployment. Here's The Burger-Flipping Robot That Could Put Fast-Food Workers Out Of A Job. WALL STREET ENDS MIXED AS APPLE WEIGHS ON NASDAQ. Apple Watch to Allow Mobile Payments. The Police Tool That Pervs Use to Steal Nude Pics From Apple’s iCloud. HACKERS TARGET CREDIT DATA FROM HOME DEPOT; COMPANY MOVES TO SOOTHE FEARS. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 06/05/2014
On this Thursday, June 5 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Infowars Nightly news host David Knight runs down the latest news. He will cover the one year anniversary of leaks by former NSA analyst Edward Snowden. He also comments on remarks made by legal scholar Jonathan Turley that Obama is the sort of president Richard Nixon always wanted to be. David covers the First Amendment and free speech as Congress considers amending the Constitution in a brazen effort to outlaw political speech and covers a zero interest rate in Europe pushed through by central bankers. He also takes your calls on today's worldwide broadcast. - Watch now