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Alex Jones Show
Date: 11/09/2015
On the Sunday, November 8 edition of the Alex Jones Show, the public witnesses a ballistic missile test as part of clandestine military testing over the Pacific Ocean. We also look at the latest developments regarding the crash of a Russian airliner in Egypt, as Western intelligence points to the possibility of a bomb onboard the plane and an “inside job.” We'll also cover election news ahead of the fourth upcoming GOP debate on Tuesday, and continue exposing the array of attacks on free speech and the Second Amendment. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 02/19/2015
On this Thursday, February 19 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover the threat of Artificial Intelligence with a huge guest today, Dr. Hugo de Garis, who's a leading expert on artificial intelligence and has also co-authored several papers on evolutionary algorithms. Scientists, including Dr. de Garis, warn of a coming AI war waged against humanity in the 21th century, especially as the national security state ramps up its surveillance and control grid. We also cover Mark Cuban’s warning about net neutrality, the evolving ISIS war, the battle over Homeland Security funding, Russian warplanes over Cornwall, and other news items on today’s worldwide broadcast. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 07/15/2014
On this July 14, 2014 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News. David Knight Hosts. News Covered: Report: SMALL LIFELESS, DEAD CHILDREN Found “Washed Up Along Riverbank” of Rio Grande. Fleeing Gangs, Children Head to U.S. Border. ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT “CHILDREN” INCLUDE MS-13 GANG MEMBERS. Blog del Narco: Zeta Cell Captured- Led by Children- Video Show them Decapitating Victims. GLENN BECK TO BRING SOCCER BALLS, HOT MEALS TO ILLEGALS: ‘WE MUST OPEN OUR HEARTS’ DEMOCRAT WANTS TO PROCESS ILLEGALS IN CENTRAL AMERICA. CHICAGO INNER-CITY BLACK RESIDENTS: OBAMA “WORST PRESIDENT” EVER. MEXICANS BLAME AMERICANS FOR 'DEATH TRAIN' NC Constitutional Amendment to be on the Ballot in November. OKC BOMBING SURVEILLANCE TAPES MAY BE RELEASED. PENTAGON AND CIA WANT TO KEEP ISIS TWEETING. FORMER AL-QAEDA COMMANDER: ISIS WORKS FOR THE CIA. WHISTLEBLOWER: NSA STORES 80% OF ALL PHONE CALLS, NOT JUST METADATA. A Breakthrough in the Checkered History Of Brain Hacking. Microsoft Challenges Google’s Artificial Brain With ‘Project Adam.’ - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 06/19/2014
On this June 18, 2014 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News. Hosted by Rob Dew. News Covered: EXCLUSIVE: ICE AGENT BLOWS THE WHISTLE ON CONTAGIOUS DISEASES COMING ACROSS BORDER. Scandal-plagued Phoenix VA hospital gave $10 million in bonuses to administrators who covered up wait times for vets that likely led to the deaths of former soldiers. Flight of the tiny robo-fly: World's smallest drone weighs less than a gram and navigates using light-sensitive 'eyes.' “RIOT CONTROL” DRONE TO SHOOT PEPPER SPRAY BULLETS AT PROTESTERS. ELON MUSK: I’M WORRIED ABOUT A ‘TERMINATOR’-LIKE SCENARIO ERUPTING FROM ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. 'Super bananas' could be on sale by 2020: Fruit laced with vitamin A begins human trials to tackle deficiency in Africa. The Collapsing Obama Doctrine. WEB FILTERING COMPANY LAUNCHES PURGE OF LIBERTARIAN, CONSERVATIVE MEDIA. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 11/27/2013
On this Wednesday, November 27 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Infowars Nightly News host David Knight co-hosts from the Austin, Texas command center. Alex calls in to the show from the Texas Hill Country. David talks with Noel Sharkey, an Irish computer scientist who has appeared on the BBC as an expert on robotics. David and Mr. Sharkey talk about killer robots under development by the military. David also talks with trend forecaster Gerald Celente about trends emerging from Asia, the rise of China, the Iran nuclear deal, and the Trans Pacific Partnership globalist trade agreement. Infowar Nightly News reporter Lee Ann McAdoo appears with David in-studio today. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 08/27/2013
On this Tuesday, August 27 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Alex exposes the lies policymakers are using to justify war in Syria. U.S. warplanes are currently touching down in Cyprus, which is the likely hub for future air campaigns in the Middle East. The U.S. could launch a missile attack against Syria as early as Thursday. In response, the Dow fell near 100 points as investors worry about the war leading to market turmoil. Dr. Noel Sharkey joins the broadcast to talk about the future of robots for police and military use. The elites could try an end run around the Constitution by deploying robots equipped with weapons that, unlike human soldiers, won't refuse to obey unlawful and unconstitutional orders. Alex also takes your calls throughout the show. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 06/26/2013
On the Wednesday, June 26 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex continues his break down of the NSA surveillance grid, the persecution of former Booz Allen Hamilton analyst turned whistleblower Edward Snowden, and the Obama administration's war on investigative journalism. On today's show, Alex talks with Roman Yampolskiy, computer scientist at the University of Louisville, known for his work on behavioral biometrics, security of cyberworlds and artificial intelligence safety. Yampolskiy talks about the NSA spy grid, cyber security, the future of transhumanism, and control technology such as FDA-approved microchip RFID pills. Alex also talks with James Lane and Richard Grove about their new documentary, State of Mind: The Psychology of Control. The film delves into the abyss to expose the true agendas at work -- the science of control that has evolved over generations to keep us firmly in place so that dictators, power brokers and corporate puppeteers may profit from our ignorance and slavery. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 05/24/2013
Record Bee Deaths across the country are being linked to gut-busting pesticides. Bee's are largely responsible for all of the world's pollination. End of the bees, end of the food, end of us. But never fear! Scientists have already invented robo-bees to pollinate all of the genetically engineered crops. - Watch now