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Alex Jones Show
Date: 12/15/2014
On the Monday, December 15 edition of the Alex Jones Show, fill-in guest host David Knight breaks down the battle being waged over oil, its implications on the global economy and how the latest omnibus congressional spending bill ties in. On today's show, David welcomes American economist, columnist and former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under President Reagan, Paul Craig Roberts, to discuss how dropping gas prices are aimed at harming Russia, the latest developments in the ongoing debate over police brutality, CIA torture and the state of the economy. David is also joined today by Infowars editor Paul Joseph Watson to analyze the shooting that took place at a cafe in Sydney, Australia, earlier today. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 07/23/2013
On The July 22, 2013 Nightly News, David Knight and Alex Jones review some of the top contenders for The Paul Revere Film Contest. News Covered: Actor James Woods Dismantles Obama’s Racist Opportunism. UK Blocks Porn, ‘Conspiracy Theories’ Next?. Most government pensions to be confiscated within a decade. The top 10 biggest U.S. cities on the brink of pension bankruptcy, money runs out in 8 years. Detroit Mayor Warns “We May Be One Of The First… But We Absolutely Won’t Be The Last”. Media Finally Begins Reporting On Russian ‘Combat Readiness’ After Alternative News. WW3 Brews As Nation Distracted By Trayvon Martin Case. Russia conducts largest military exercises since Soviet era 5000 tanks? Russia military exercise deemed a 'response to a hypothetical attack by Japanese and U.S. forces. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 06/23/2013
On this Sunday, June 23 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the latest developments in the NSA surveillance case as the whistleblower Edward Snowden is officially charged with espionage for the national security state crime of revealing details on the NSA's systematic violation of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights as it surveils millions of Americans. Alex also covers revelations that the journalist Michael Hastings had stated hours before his death that he was going into hiding in response to government harassment and Obama's war on the press. Alex also breaks down an intrusive Australian census collection effort that is an extension of efforts by governments and the United Nations to compile databases delving into the personal lives of citizens as part of an overarching control grid. - Watch now