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Alex Jones Show
Date: 05/10/2016
On this Tuesday, May 9th, 2016 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover rock star Billy Corgan’s revelations about threats to free speech, media manipulation, cult programming and more. We also cover a safe space cry-baby upset by the term “Americans,” deeming the use of the word as “micro-aggression,” an outrageous order by the British Columbia Supreme Court that a father must treat his 11-year old daughter as a boy, and the ongoing effort to unbound Donald Trump delegates. On today’s worldwide broadcast, we talk with Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse about the crumbling economy and John Cruz, the author of World Banking World Fraud: Using Your Identity. Cruz is the former vice president, senior business relationship manager at HSBC where he discovered evidence of fraudulent activities within the bank. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 01/19/2016
On tonight Monday, January, 19th, 2016 edition of The Infowars Nightly News, How will the big bank react to the implosion of oil. Then a look back at the legacy of Dr. King, after that why smart cars can be a very dumb idea. And what would it take for Hillary to finally stop the burn. - Watch now
Jail The Bankers!
Special Reports
Date: 11/24/2015
74 combined years in prison, thats how Iceland’s Supreme Court and the Reykjavik District Court responds to those responsible for Iceland’s financial collapse. This brings the total to 26 bankers now behind bars in Iceland, with most being CEOs of large financial institutions, rather than low level traders. Most of those jailed will serve terms of two to five years, according to a report by Iceland Magazine, which notes that three executives at Landsbankinn and two at Kaupþing, along with one prominent investor, have been prosecuted. Their crimes include market manipulation, embezzlement, and breach of fiduciary duties. Their market manipulation destroyed the country’s economy and to this day Iceland is still having to repay the global loan sharks at the IMF, as well as governments of other countries, which kept the nation operating. Iceland Magazine explains that rather than protect and reward the very institutions responsible for the collapse, and the bloodsucking vermin that run them, the Icelandic government let them collapse, and then created a financial supervisory authority to strictly oversee the banks. The U.S. Congress gave American banks a $700 billion TARP bailout at the expense of taxpayers. Not one banker in the US has even been charged with a crime relating to the financial collapse, there is still virtually no regulation of the banks, and they are pulling in a near record $160 billion in annual profits, all from “money” created out of thin air. The Department of Justice under Holder and now Lynch continues to pretend to do the hard work associated with reigning in the financial criminal banking institutions laundering drug money and manipulating the U.S. economy. But fines and even penalties don’t send the message that the banksters received in Iceland. Jail the bankers and free the taxpayers from shackles of debt! It may be the most important meme the people of the United States could ever support. Jailing the bankers would bring the New World Order down like a house of cards. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 07/22/2015
On this Wednesday, July 22 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we cover a wide range of news, including Hillary Clinton's slump in popularity, the Texas traffic stop which led to the mysterious death of a woman in her jail cell and how a city government threatened a family for parking "too many cars" in their driveway. We also cover 11 signs that America has already gone down the toilet and how 470,000 vehicles are at risk after hackers crash a Jeep Cherokee from a sofa 10 miles away. You don't want to miss today' unprecedented broadcast! - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 11/12/2014
On The November 11, 2014 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Lee Ann McAdoo covers vets sue big banks for facilitating iranian terrorism. USA has become an Oligarchy. Guccifer says prison is hard...NY times glosses over nuke threat by the elites aimed at Chicago in 2015. rewind: dyess refuses to deny secret nuke transfer. See something say something propaganda. Mental health screening in schools - Watch now