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  • Nightly News

    Date: 05/14/2014

    On The May 13, 2014 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News. Lee Ann McAdoo Hosts. News Covered: Joe Biden’s Son Appointed to Board of Ukraine’s Largest Gas Producer. Flashback: Biden Wants Ukraine Pipeline. Boko Haram, the IMF and Globalist Designs on Nigeria. Flashback: Bilderberg Agenda includes "Africa's challenges" Many auestions surrounding Boko Haram. We're falling for Obama's wag the dog moment. Criticism of Hilary will be sexist. EU court backs 'right to be forgotten' in Google case. Cops attack family with tasers and pepper spray for having party in their own home. School Safety Instructor Says Sandy Hook Is A Hoax. - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 05/13/2014

    On this Tuesday, May 13 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks about a remark by Glenn Greenwald that criticism of president Hillary Clinton will be sexist and misogynistic in the same way criticism of Obama is now considered by the political class and the establishment media to be racist. Alex also talks about the Federal Reserve manipulated economy and the impending engineered crash. On today's worldwide broadcast, Alex talks with Wolfgang W. Halbig, a former Florida State Trooper and Executive Director of the National Institute for School and Workplace Safety. Earlier this month, Halbig addressed a meeting of the Connecticut Board of Education about the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting and the coordinated shutdown of public information concerning the incident as skeptics seek answers on a number of inconsistencies and anomalies. Alex also talks with director and writer Joel Gilbert. His most recent project is Dreams from My Real Father: A Story of Reds and Deception, a film that states Obama's real father was Chicago Marxist Frank Marshall Davis. The film is now available at the Infowars Store. Gilbert also wrote, produced and directed Atomic Jihad: Ahmadinejad's Coming War For Islamic Revival And Obama's Politics. - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 05/12/2014

    On the Monday, May 12 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex examines the missing Nigerian girls narrative, considering how the tragedy may be exploited to benefit Africom. Jones also looks at key intel leaked by Danish police confirming the location of the secretive globalist confabBilderberg 2014 as being held at the Marriott Hotel in Copenhagen from May 29 to June 1. Alex breaks down the significance of East Ukraine's latest referendum, and also looks at how Mexican citizens are defying Mexico’s anti-gun laws in order to defend themselves against the drug cartels. On today's show, Alex welcomes experienced international crisis negotiator, Harvard trained psychiatrist and New York Times best selling author Dr. Steve Pieczenik to discuss different ways predictive programming is used in video games and movies to lay the groundwork for future events, and to give insight into new developments in the South Asian Sea conflict and other parts of the world. - Watch now