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Special Reports
Date: 03/04/2016
Back in April of 2015, 55 Civil society organizations including civil society organizations, security experts and academics signed a letter opposing CISA. Then in October of 2015, the Senate passed the cybersecurity Information Sharing Act by a vote 74 to 21. That ACT quietly slipped its way into the Government funding omnibus Bill that was recently signed into law by President Obama. However, the CISA privacy provisions added to the ominibus stripped even more privacy protections than the October version. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 11/24/2015
You may have noticed CISA a version of the Cybersecurity bill passed in Congress with the Senate voting 74 to 21 to pass it. All in the name of cyber defense to protect the American people and more importantly Big Business from hackers. And thats all you need to know America, go back to sleep.What they didn’t tell you, was the NSA and big business slipped a trojan horse past the American people once again to allow them to spy on you. Yes…you. Wired magazine reports “…..Privacy advocates and civil liberties groups see CISA as a free pass that allows companies to monitor users and share their information with the government without a warrant, while offering a backdoor that circumvents any laws that might protect users’ privacy. “The incentive and the framework it creates is for companies to quickly and massively collect user information and ship it to the government,” says Mark Jaycox, a legislative analyst for the civil liberties group the Electronic Frontier Foundation. “As soon as you do, you obtain broad immunity, even if you’ve violated privacy law.” Even the Department of Homeland Security agrees that the latest CISA bill could sweep away many important privacy protections. Breitbart reports “Sen. , a Democrat who allied with Sen. to water down provisions of the Patriot Act this summer, said the bill “virtually gaurantees” that private information unrelated to cybersecurity will be shared with the government, and said that the bill was a “direct pipeline to the NSA.” The Senate rejected all of the privacy amendments that would protect the average citizens right to privacy. But how exactly did they do that. TechDirt breaks down the geek speak detailing the NSA’s Unconstitutional desperation to collect data related to innocent law-abiding Americans “...the NSA and FBI (and CIA, for that matter), frequently make use of backdoor searches of the upstream data -- a capability that was approved in 2011. Basically, the rules changed so that the intelligence community could sniff through data that was deemed collected "incidentally." And that includes basically anything that is picked up in the "upstream" collection of data (tapping internet backbone lines) under Section 702 of the FISA Amendments Act.... CISA is likely to be the key piece for letting the NSA and FBI warrantless spy on Americans' after the FISA Court limited that ability a few years ago. “ When a 2.8 billion dollar taxpayer funded JLENS Surveillance blimp becomes headline news. Those with eyes and ears clearly see a Criminal Surveillance State goliath out of control. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 10/30/2015
On this Friday, October 30 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, Russian President Vladimir Putin asserts manmade "global warming" is being used as an economic weapon against his country. We also look at the latest installment of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton's State Department emails, as aides vocalize disdain for the process, and more on Nickelodeon's sexualization of children. On today's show, Dr. Edward Group discusses ways to eliminate Halloween toxins. Author and journalist Jim Marrs also joins the show today breaking down what he thinks will be the next big, geopolitical shoe to drop. We'll also take your calls on this worldwide transmission. - Watch now