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Alex Jones Show
Date: 10/29/2015
On this Thursday, October 29 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we look into the election of Paul Ryan as the next House Speaker and how this will doom America as Ryan pushes the globalist agenda. We also look into last night's disastrous CNBC debate and how the debate moderators were attacking the Republican candidates. Infowars investigative journalist Wayne Madsen also discusses new 9/11 revelations that may reveal why CIA insider and researcher Philip Marshall died mysteriously. You don't want to miss this explosive transmission! - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 04/03/2013
On the Wednesday, April 3 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex scrutinizes the creeping collapse of world economies happening by design as the media openly announces global banker governance. He'll also break down the outrageous assaults on the Second Amendment, and the various distractions geared to keep the public in dazed pacification. On today's show, Alex welcomes honorably discharged disabled U.S. Navy veteran David A. Schmecker. Mr. Schmecker recently had his guns confiscated by police following a forced “psychiatric evaluation,” illustrating the acceleration of the demonization campaign against returning veterans and law-abiding gun owners nationwide. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 06/25/2012
On this June 25, 2012 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, Paul Joseph Watson Speaks with investigator Doug Hagmann about the recent demand by Go to censor his web - Watch now