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Alex Jones Show
Date: 03/15/2016
On this Tuesday, March 15 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we look into the implications of today’s GOP primaries in Ohio and Florida, the latter of which could finally end Rubio’s lackluster race to the White House. How will the GOP establishment downplay Trump’s gains? Trends forecaster Gerald Celente joins the show to discuss tonight’s vote and Dr. Group also reveals the latest in health news you don’t want to miss. Tune in! - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 03/17/2014
On this Monday, March 17 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex showcases how the globalists, who sit above nations, are playing countries off against each other in order to seize their infrastructure. TheUN is set to take control of the Internet after the U.S. Commerce Department released its grasp on ICANN, the Internet's domain name manager, setting the stage for worldwide web taxes and censorship. The EU in particular has already proposed Internet censorship under the guise of "protecting the children" and "fighting terrorism." Alex also covers the latest developments coming from Crimea as both NATO and Russia position their military assets for a coming showdown which could even result in a tactical nuclear war. Many analysts have stated that this situation is more dangerous than anything that has ever happened during the Cold War. You don't want to miss this important broadcast. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 01/09/2014
On The January 8, 2014 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News. Darrin McBreen Hosts & We Interview Fast & Furious Victim, Ian Garland. News Covered: Has Fukushima’s Radioactive Wave Already Hit California? Fukushima's radioactive ocean Radiation plume due to reach US waters in 2014. 1400% Radiation Hot Spot Found on San Francisco Beach. US Government Orders 14 Million Doses of Potassium Iodide. Thyroid cancer rates on the rise in Japanese children, experts warn residents to evacuate - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 08/28/2013
John Kerry has tried to make a moral case for unleashing American weapons of mass destruction on the people of Syria. But what is the history of the US and Sarin gas? And when Kerry says: “Our sense of basic humanity is offended not only by this cowardly crime but also by the cynical attempt to cover it up” does he see the hypocrisy of this coming from the government that has cynically attempted to cover up Agent Orange and Depleted Uranium? - Watch now