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Special Reports
Date: 03/10/2016
Why have gun owners rejected and boycotted smart guns? Why does Obama want them so badly that he will use your tax money to create them and shove them down your throat? At the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) which just ended in Las Vegas, a vendor wanted to demonstrate his Smart Gun Lock saying it “Answers President Obama’s Call for a Smart Gun” But the CES wouldn’t allow him to bring an unloaded gun into the show, not even an imitation gun — not even for Obama There’s an important lesson in that. They don’t really want better tech. In their fear and ignorance they just want to get rid of guns. Obama doesn’t want to make you safe, he wants to take away your liberty to own guns and protect yourself. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 12/15/2015
Obama and company would have us all believe that gun ownership must be heavily regulated. (OBAMA VIDEO) These comments stem from a fabricated culture of fear to be believed by our Big Daddy government. Sorry kids, it turns out big daddy is a compulsive liar. As gun sales have gone up Gun violence has gone down. Well, unless you are counting Big Daddy’s gun free zones. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 10/27/2015
On this Monday, October 26th 2015 edition of the Nightly News, A restaurant owner in Indiana is offering a discount to costumers who bring concealed fire arms into his establishment, after his restaurant was robbed at gun point over the weekend. Meanwhile republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee says that gun stores should disobey an Obama executive order. Then the decline of the middle class continues as a new study from the Social Security administrations shows that one out of two working Americans make less than $30,000 a year. And a school in Washington state has threaten to fire there football coach for post game prayers. - Watch now