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Alex Jones Show
Date: 08/25/2014
On the Monday, August 25 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, guest host David Knight welcomes Infowars editor Paul Joseph Watson to discuss the various factors suggesting the James Foley beheading video to be a contrived fakery, drummed up as a possible casus belli for Syrian military intervention. Knight also breaks down the impact of the earthquake in California's Bay Area and unusual seismic activity in other parts of the world, such as Iceland, Peru and Japan, with computer programmer and seismology expert Stan Deyo. On today's show, David also looks at the federal government's push to mandate car-to-car communications, and how that will give big government more control over everyone's lives, under the guise of wanting to prevent collisions. David will also air the premier of Alex Jones' latest interview with UFC announcer and stand-up comedian Joe Rogan, and will take your calls on this worldwide transmission. - Watch now