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  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 10/23/2015

    On this Friday, October 23 edition of the Alex Jones Show we feature a video of Alex’s visit to the Austin office of the surveillance technology company Google and the unwelcome reception Jones and the Infowars crew received there. We also look at a proposal to use pop-up windows on websites to shame people who make comments considered offensive or racist. Other news covered includes Iceland imprisoning criminal bankers, an Arizona school banning patriotic football gear, the Obama administration encouraging schools to publicly demonstrate support for an influx of illegal immigrants, and the latest on Syria where Russia is helping rollback and eradicate jihadi terrorists created by the Gulf Emirates and the United States. On today’s broadcast we talk with pro-life activist Abby Johnson, a former Planned Parenthood clinic director who resigned after watching an abortion on ultrasound. - Watch now

  • Nightly News

    Date: 10/20/2015

    On this Monday, October 19th edition of the Nightly News David Knight covers the ongoing migrant influx in Europe and what countries are doing to try and stem the tide, and how Paul Ryan would love nothing more than to totally open the American border to all comers and the Ebola virus shocks doctors yet again as a woman who was told she had beaten it, has a relapse and schools who are standing up and saying no to Michelle Obama's disgusting school lunch program and finally, Rob Dew and Michelle Vaughan break down why you should think twice about the Vitamin K shot. - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 11/06/2014

    On the Thursday, November 6 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Jones exposes the establishment media's agreement “not to report” on suspected Ebola cases in the U.S., a collusion which entails downplaying the possible threat posed to public health. Alex also looks at how, on the heels of huge democrat losses, Obama is now asking Congress for permission to escalate the war against ISIS in Syria and Iraq. On today's show, Jones welcomes renowned medical doctor and leading scientist Dr. Steven Hatfill to discuss how the CDC is misleading the American public by withholding information about Ebola and its potential for airborne transmission. - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 11/03/2014

    On this Sunday, November 2 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex talks about Ebola and the border and the coming midterm election. Nightly News host David Knight rides shotgun. They cover Ebola and the taxpayer funded Virgin Galactic spacecraft crash in California's Mojave Desert. - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 10/30/2014

    On this Thursday, October 30 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down both the latest Ebola news and the galactic level of fraud and corruption in D.C. made more prominent by the approaching midterm elections. The husband of a Democratic senator is now facing charges after being caught on film stealing Republican campaign signs. Also, the government is scrambling to purchase Ebola Hazmat suits, with orders to just one company surpassing one million. Survivalist expert, author and radio host Steve Quayle also joins the show to cover the latest, explosive news and more! - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 10/29/2014

    On the Wednesday, October 29 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Jones reviews reports of early voter fraud with midterm elections less than a week away, as more Americans come to grips with the true agenda behind the authoritarian left. Jones also breaks down why the CDC's move to subject people who have briefly been in the vicinity of Ebola victims to “movement restrictions” suggests the agency believes the virus may have gone airborne, and also exposes why the DHS is warning of lone wolf terror threats. On today's show, Alex welcomes health expert Dr. Edward Group to discuss the various ways to boost your immune system naturally, and research into which compounds help defeat viruses. Also today, Jones welcomes George Noory, host of the nationally syndicated program Coast to Coast AM, to discuss the latest Ebola news and how to get America back on the right path. - Watch now

  • Special Reports

    Date: 10/29/2014

    House Representative Bob Goodlatte has received information from inside President Barack Obama’s administration detailing plans to ship non US citizens with Ebola into the United States to receive treatment. Goodlatte, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee wrote a letter to Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson and Secretary of State John Kerry requesting any information on the plans, but those requests have gone unanswered. What is driving the Obama Administration’s Recklessness? - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 10/28/2014

    On this Tuesday, October 28 worldwide broadcast, Alex looks into the refusal of the Sheriff of Clark County, Ohio to participate in the unconstitutional “blood draw” checkpoints following an story on the outrageous practice. Alex also covers the latest developments on Ebola and the expansion of the NSA surveillance state. On today's broadcast Alex talks with John Draper, the legendary hacker known as “Captain Crunch” for his phone phreaking antics. Draper wrote the first word processor of the Apple II. - Watch now

  • Nightly News

    Date: 10/28/2014

    On The October 27, 2014 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Hungarians revolt against internet tax. #Ebola Nurse Complaining About Quarantine is Left-Wing Democrat, CDC Employee. Cuomo, Perry play politics on Ebola. ER nurse: Duncan lied about exposure to Ebola. 68 percent of Brits say Afghan war was futile. CIA Snooping No Big Deal, Key Republican Senator Suggests. Finally, A Senator In A Tough Re-Election Fight Bets On Obamacare. Who says Obamacare isn't a major factor in midterms? - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 10/27/2014

    On this Monday, October 27 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex examines how Democrats, facing dismal poll numbers due to Obama's unpopularity, are desperately ramping up their rhetoric as the mid-term elections approach, which may cost them control of the U.S. Senate. In one absurd example, a Democratic Party boss suggested that the Tea Party is "scarier" than both Ebola and ISIS. Joining the show to explain the flaws in progressive ideology is filmmaker Joel Gilbert, whose latest documentary, There's No Place Like Utopia, explains how progressivism in general only changes society for the worst. Survivalist expert, author and radio host Steve Quayle also joins the show to cover the latest on Ebola and ways you and your family can prepare for a major crisis. - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 10/26/2014

    On this Sunday, October 26 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Infowars reporter David Knight covers the continuing Ebola crisis as both New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo enact mandatory 21-day quarantines for all doctors and travelers coming from West Africa. David looks at the situation surrounding New Jersey's quarantine of Kaci Hickox, a nurse who claims her "basic human rights" were violated upon returning from Africa's hot zone, as well as a new law that allows the IRS to steal Americans' money based on suspicion. Then, David will be joined in studio by Central Texas Gun Works owner Michael Cargill to discuss his run for city council, his thought's on Hillary Clinton's belief that businesses do not create jobs, and the recent shooting in California by an illegal alien who was previously deported twice. - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 10/24/2014

    On the Friday, October 24 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the unfolding Ebola fiasco, following news that a physician diagnosed with the disease visited various places in New York City after traveling through West Africa to help patients. Jones continues highlighting health authorities' various missteps, including the fact that NYPD officers dumped protective gear in the trash after visiting near the Ebola victim's apartment, and expounds on a Missouri physician's testimony that patients exhibiting Ebola-like symptoms are being “disappeared” at hospitals. On today's show, Jones interviews Robert “Tosh” Plumlee, a former CIA contract pilot who flew arms and ammunition for the agency, who responds to denials made by Sen. John McCain regarding the Benghazi arms deal. Also today, Dr. Francis Boyle, a Harvard University Fellow and professor of international law at the University of Illinois who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 and an expert on foreign policy, discusses US preparedness, or lack thereof, for an Ebola outbreak. - Watch now