Channel: All


  • Nightly News

    Date: 08/25/2015

    On this Monday, August 24th Worldwide transmission of The Nightly News, Financial Press were still pretending it was a “correction” last week. Peter Schiff, Ron Paul and others all warned this would happen. Also Random Black on White violent crimes called "The Knock Out" game becoming a violent disturbing trend. - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 08/24/2015

    On this Monday, August 24 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, US stocks crash on the opening bell of the Dow Jones, plunging the market more than 1,000 points following the fall of China’s benchmark Shanghai Composite index. Financial analyst Clive P. Maund asserts that we are now witnessing a “full on market crash,” as another economic advisor warns to stock up on canned food and bottled water. On today's show, financial expert, author and founder of HS Dent Investment Management, Harry Dent, explains what led to the economic turmoil and what the US needs to do to correct itself. We'll also take your calls on this worldwide broadcast. - Watch now

  • Nightly News

    Date: 07/14/2015

    On this July 13, 2015, edition of the Infowars Nightly News: Humiliated and subjected to “mental waterboarding”, Greece’s Prime Minister Tsipras left an all night meeting looking like a whipped dog according to witnesses. The Greek people, after standing firm against economic blackmail last week, will now be robbed of their assets & sovereignty by the bankers if the agreement is ratified on Wednesday. Will the same thing happen in other EU countries? Will it happen in America? The secret multinational TTIP treaty quietly moved ahead in Europe as the Greek humiliation was being played out. We also look at the ease with which the population can be whipped into a surreal frenzy of hatred by the media and channeled into irrational hatred and intolerance in the name of tolerance while European & American governments work to outlaw encryption and freedom of speech. - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 07/02/2014

    On this mind-blowing Wednesday, July 2 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex and David Knight break down the latest assaults on our liberties, our prosperity and our borders. In California, a state bill would empower police to confiscate a person's firearms solely on the basis of an accusation - not a legal court ruling - made against the gun owner. Also, the brown shirt security force patrolling the illegal immigrant shelter in San Antonio, Texas, is threatening to arrest doctors and nurses if they leak information on the severe threat of contagious disease brought across the border by infected illegals. Sheriff Joe Arpaio said that President Obama orchestrated the border collapse in order to push amnesty. Economic forecaster Harry S. Dent, Jr. joins the show to explain why another housing crisis is looming which could lead to a sharp downturn in real estate and stock prices around the world. You don't want to miss this bombshell broadcast! - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 12/13/2013

    On this Friday, December 13 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex runs down the government's targeting of Bitcoin currency in an effort to eliminate any meaningful competition, no matter how minor, to its fiat paper money hegemony. Alex also looks at a plan by the IMF to jack up tax rates into the stratosphere as the globalists continue their consolidation move. He talks about the economic Ponzi scheme with former stock broker and commentator Max Keiser. Alex also talks with Canadian blogger, essayist, author, philosopher and host of the Freedomain Radio series of podcasts, Stefan Molyneux. Alex provides incisive commentary on the latest breaking news and takes your calls on today's worldwide broadcast. - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 10/18/2013

    On this Friday, October 18 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex pulls in all the latest economic news to reveal the controlled implosion of America as private, off-shore mega banks continue to drain the wealth of the middle class. The U.S. dollar is slipping against the Euro and U.S. Treasury debt prices are at a high. China is promoting the renminbi as a global reserve currency in place of the dollar, which would greatly accelerate America's economic collapse. Gerald Celente, financial forecaster and publisher of The Trends Journal, joins the show to explain Chase Bank's latest regulations, which are the first steps towards the complete destruction of financial privacy and the implementation of a cashless society. Dr. David Brownstein also joins the broadcast to talk about how Americans can improve their immune systems and avoid major health issues down the road. - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 10/01/2013

    On the Tuesday, Oct. 1 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Alex examines how the government shutdown barely affects most peoples' daily lives, and explains why the widespread healthcare exchange glitches merely precursor the disastrous road ahead. Alex also examine how the scorned insurance mandate mirrors the socialist healthcare models of previous tyrannical dictatorships. On today's show, we speak with Stewart Rhodes, the founder and President of Oath Keepers, about what Secretary of State John Kerry's signing of the UN Arms Trade Treaty means for legal, law-abiding gun owners in America, and how Oath Keepers is going "operational" by forming special "civilization preservation" teams. Alex also invites former stockbroker and American broadcaster Max Keiser to break down how the world economy is on track to implode - by design. - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 09/17/2013

    On this Tuesday, September 17 worldwide transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Alex examines the background of alleged Navy Yard shooter Aaron Alexis, who is undoubtedly a textbook example of the "zombie-fication" of America. Reports indicate Alexis was not only dependent on SSRIs but was also desensitized to violence through mass media. Obama responded to this shooting with more demands for domestic gun control as he approved the open transfer of firearms to al-Qaeda. Former U.S. Army Intelligence officer and survivalist author James Wesley Rawles joins the show to discuss how you can protect your family from this mass implosion of society. - Watch now

  • Special Reports

    Date: 09/27/2012

    The clandestine Federal Reserve is the true culprit for our country's economic collapse. As a result local Texans recently took it upon themselves to hold a anti fed rally. Reporter David Ortiz reports. - Watch now

  • Nightly News

    Date: 06/21/2012

    Pit Stop June 21,2012 - Watch now