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Alex Jones Show
Date: 01/06/2016
On the Wednesday, January 6 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we break down reactions to Obama's unilateral assault on gun rights, with presidential candidate Donald Trump asserting, “I will not let Obama screw around with the Second Amendment.” And the mayor of a city in Germany is coming under pressure for telling women to keep Muslim migrant rapists at an “arms length.” On today's show, British author David Icke discusses key world events and the Australian government's move to ban him from speaking in the country. We'll also take a close look at the standoff in Oregon with Joe Biggs, North Korea's hydrogen bomb and take your calls on this worldwide transmission. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 10/17/2014
A troll's recent death in England has opened a discourse on troll behavior in general. We all know the current species of trolls are vile scum who dwell in the basements of their parents' homes and who spend their free time hounding people more talented than themselves with their mindless keyboard dribble while eating copious amounts of mayonnaise-filled hot pockets. However in recent web history, trolls have actually served a purpose: to invite controversy and to open debate with those who have a different political or philosophical persuasion. In between the hobby trolls and OG trolls lives the Government Paid Troll (GPT). They are found in every country and, like the teleprompter reading Skeksis that fill cable news channels promoting endless wars and big government worship, these internet wretches are vacant wastelands who serve no other purpose than to inject disinformation onto the internet and to manipulate online discourse and activism to generate outcomes they consider desirable. They receive their marching orders from faceless social scientists who are using the web as their own playground. You have probably encountered a GPT or two while surfing the web. This video will show you the techniques they use and provide some solutions to fight back. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 05/07/2014
On The May 6, 2014 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News. Lee Ann McAdoo Hosts. News Covered: woman celebrates abortion. Star of youtube abortion video is a horror movie actress. US to send team to Nigeria. Western feminists need to speak up for Nigerian girls. Occupy guilty verdict shows acceptance with police violence. IRS expand surveillance. Fed Report: Global warming disrupting American's lives. Solar Tax Bill. CA Introduces drive tax bill. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 04/15/2014
On this riveting Tuesday, April 15 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Alex takes on the lies spewed by unconstitutional government bureaucracies such as the IRS and the BLM. Former congressman Ron Paul warned that the Feds could soon launch a Waco-style assault against Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and his family.Cliven Bundy joins us today to discuss these recent developments in his stand against unconstitutional bureaucracy and crony capitalism spearheaded by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Joe Banister, the IRS Special Agent who exposed the agency's deceit and illegal enforcement of the federal income tax, also joins the show to discuss current and previous IRS scandals. Additionally, Alex takes your calls to hear your take on these important topics and more. You don't want to miss today's transmission! - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 04/11/2014
On The April 10, 2014 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News. Lee Ann McAdoo Hosts & We Speak With Senior Infowars Reporter David Knight, Live At The Scene Of the Bundy Ranch Stand-off. News Covered: Boehner unloads on white house over lies. House holds Lois Lerner in contempt. 20 Cowboys Break Fed Blockade in Nevada, Retrieve Cattle. Cliven Bundy Calls on Sheriff to Start Arresting BLM Feds. Police in Iowa City With Population of 7,000 Acquire Military Tank. TSA harasses mute woman. DHS study: North Korea capable of EMP attack on U.S. New drones 'perch' on power lines to recharge, never have to land. Austin, Tx Civil rights summit. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 07/26/2013
On this Friday, July 26 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Alex tallies up even more government-bought ammo in the continuing federal arms build-up. Now the U.S. Army is stockpiling millions of America's favorite calibers not even used by NATO in a process that will no doubt raise the price of ammo to unprecedented heights. Political suppression is no longer constrained to drab IRS offices as college students wearing "Tea Party" t-shirts are denied entry to hear Obama speak on their campus. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under the Reagan Administration and a prolific writer, joins the show to talk to Alex about how the ultra-elite has completely hi-jacked our republic and continue to cut free the rest of the constitutional restraints which hold back unlimited control. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 06/30/2013
On this very important and compelling Sunday, June 30 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex speaks with NSA insider and whistleblower Wayne Madsen who recently revealed the United States' collaboration with the entire European Union to censor European newspapers reporting on the illegal NSA spying in an unprecedented manipulation of the press. This direct attack on free speech even includes documents released years prior on subjects that governments have already admitted to doing. We will also look at the Zimmermann trial and how an acquittal could lead to racial conflicts across the country. In other news, police are now using any available crisis to confiscate firearms, recently showcased by the RCMP as they stole guns from homes evacuated during a flood in Alberta. Please tell your friends and family to tune in today for this world-important news! - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 06/27/2013
A lot of people are saying "who cares if the NSA spies on me? I'm not doing anything wrong." But according to some outdated -- but still on the books -- laws, you're probably doing something wrong without even knowing it. Ever signed onto an unsecure wi-fi network? Third-degree felony. In fact, you don't even have to break the law to get arrested. Police already abuse their tremendous power, so when all of our (unintentionally criminal) moves are stored in a database, who's to say those in power won't decide if something presently harmless, is now an offense. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 05/02/2013
On the Thursday, May 2 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers the latest efforts by the government to restrict liberty following the Boston false flag and the encouraging pushback by the American people who are resisting the move toward a police state in increasing numbers. He also takes a look at a Department of Homeland Security's move encouraging Floridians to spy and inform on each other. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 05/01/2013
On the April 30,2013 Broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News, Rob Dew speaks with musician/msnbc guest Roger Nicholson about the expletive-laden tirade he unleashed on our reporter Dan Bidondi and why he thinks that people that ask relevant questions are all crackpot unamerican conspiracy theorists. News Covered: DHS ammo purchase investigated by the GAO. Revealing audio of the Alleged Boston Bombers saying "We didn't do it". A flashback to the day of the Boston Bombing with Dan Bidondi. Special Reports on The Micro Chipping of Humanity. Pentagon taps Anti-Christian extremist for religious tolerance policy. The National Review unveils The Gospel of Alex Jones. He’s an evangelist for conspiracy theology. Plus, a roundtable discussion about the DHS Ammo Purchases. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 04/26/2013
On the April 25, 2013 broadcast of The Infowars Nightly News News Covered: Rachel Maddow Froths Over Boston False Flag and Alex Jones. U.S. Army Bases Block Access to Southern Baptist Website. Video: SWAT police gunpoint raids in Boston Were Conducted “House After House”. U.S. Agencies Added Boston Bomb Suspect to Watch Lists. Was Tamerlan Tsarnaev Radicalized by The CIA? Californians sign petition for Nazi Takeover. ACLU: CISPA Is Dead. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 04/21/2013
On the Sunday, April 21 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the revelation that the two suspect brothers in the Boston Marathon bombing were known by the FBI. We'll examine the FBI's attempt to coverup that knowledge by releasing photos Thursday asking for the public's help, when all along they knew full well who they were looking for. We'll also get into other possible actors that could be involved in one of the most botched plots in the FBI's long résumé of terror. Alex also analyzes the history of staged events and gives insight into what type of self inflicted wound the Boston bombing is. Infowars reporter David Knight also covers the CISPA bill passing the House, which could put your personal information in the hands of military organizations like the NSA. - Watch now