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  • Nightly News

    Date: 05/28/2015

    On this May 27, 2015, episode of the Infowars Nightly News: Marine Court-Martialed For Bible Verse PACSUN PULLS UPSIDE DOWN FLAG T-SHIRT BECAUSE IT HURT SOMEONE’S FEELINGS Save America T-Shirt Marine court-martialed for refusing to remove Bible verse Self Driving Cars Not As Cool As Batman's Batmobile 1989 Self-parking Volvo ploughs into journalists after owner neglects to pay for extra feature that stops cars crashing into people NSA Can Identify You By Your “Smartphone Handwriting” GUN CONTROL GROUP DECEIVES PUBLIC BY HIRING PAID ACTORS FOR “HIDDEN CAMERA EXPERIMENT” New Film Highlights Dog Murders By Police Michael Ozias an independent film maker talks to infowars about his new film "Of Dogs And Men" which explores a disturbing trend in American law enforcement: the killing of pet dogs. From SWAT raids to simple calls and even visits to wrong addresses, we are seeing more and more incidents of officers using lethal force against a family pet they deem a threat. Are these callous acts by officers in a system without regard for our four-legged family members, or are they true peace officers doing their best in a dangerous job? OF DOGS AND MEN investigates the issue from all angles, interviewing law enforcement officers and experts, and taking a journey with pet owners through the tragedy of loss and pursuit of change in a legal system in which the very officers they challenge are an integral part. - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 04/06/2014

    On this Sunday, April 6 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Nightly News host David Knight follows the latest developments in the Fort Hood shooting, including calls for soldiers to be allowed to carry weapons for self-defense. Alex presents a special report on the shootings at the Texas military base and the connection between it and a cocktail of drugs. David covers other news items today, including the suspicious death of yet another banker as the economy continues its death spiral despite Pollyannish proclamations by the establishment media and economists. Ron Paul is featured in the second hour of today's show. - Watch now

  • Alex Jones Show

    Date: 07/26/2013

    On this Friday, July 26 transmission of the Alex Jones Show, Alex tallies up even more government-bought ammo in the continuing federal arms build-up. Now the U.S. Army is stockpiling millions of America's favorite calibers not even used by NATO in a process that will no doubt raise the price of ammo to unprecedented heights. Political suppression is no longer constrained to drab IRS offices as college students wearing "Tea Party" t-shirts are denied entry to hear Obama speak on their campus. Dr. Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under the Reagan Administration and a prolific writer, joins the show to talk to Alex about how the ultra-elite has completely hi-jacked our republic and continue to cut free the rest of the constitutional restraints which hold back unlimited control. - Watch now

  • Special Reports

    Date: 12/27/2012

    Every year the media looks back at celebrities who died. We look at liberties that died in 2012 — - NDAA (including 2013 version) - SCOTUS decision on ObamaCare, $1.3 Million PER DAY ObamaCare fine on HobbyLobby - No-Fly lists - Free Speech Zones, Secret Service felony protest law - Fraudulent GOP primaries & Boehner teleprompter voice vote - TSA metastasizes - FISA - coming Utah Data Center (opening 2013) and where we had some victories - court decisions supporting recording the police - SOPA, PIPA, ACTA, UN Internet Treaty - Marijuana legalization & State Nullification - Pending Texas Nullification bills - Pastors awake to 1st Amendment IRS gag rule looking ahead, will civil libertarians recognize the importance of the 2nd Amendment in light of the government's attacks on the rest of the Bill of Rights? - Watch now