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Alex Jones Show
Date: 03/18/2016
On this Friday, March 18th 2016 edition of the Alex Jones Show, we look into the exploding surveillance state as Apple engineers threaten to quit if the government tries to force them to undermine encryption software. Journalist Dr. Jerome Corsi breaks down how the establishment is moving against Trump and we also look into why the globalists fear Trump. Additionally, we look into how leftist “anti-hate” activists are actually the most hateful people imaginable. Tune in! - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 11/24/2015
Who needs that old archaic Constitution and annoying Congress when you can tour the world on the taxpayer’s dime and trample their rights in the process, right Attorney General Loretta Lynch? No one except your band of cohorts were impressed when you went after a meaningless game as you tackled FIFA instead of throwing the bankers laundering the drug cartel’s billions under the jail. Kicking the proverbial soccer ball down the road. Rather than present her case to the American people from any number of American establishments. Attorney General Lynch, basking in New World Order arrogance, bypassed the American people, bringing together a vile congregation to the Islamic High Council aka The United Nations. Speakers included the diligent socialist Mayor of New York Bill DeBlasio and Jordan’s High Commissioner for Human Rights Prince Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein a Human Rights council that just made the xenophobic and brutal nation of Saudi Arabia a member to the Islamic High Council aka The United Nations. This global police force was dreamed up by Professors from the Halls of Oxford and spearheaded by the New World Order Think Tank, the Institute of Strategic Dialogue. Now launched as of September 29, 2015 by our own traitorous government. It is described on the Strong Cities Network website as A global network of local authorities united in building resilience to prevent violent extremism. The Strong Cities Network will be spearheaded by an International Steering Committee of cities and local authorities selected from different regions across the globe. Of course Muslim-Americans are complaining they will be targeted. But most Americans are well aware of who the real target is. President Obama is desperately attempting to decrease the overwhelming amount of gun owners to create a level playing field in which the New World Order can thrive. But it was his own policies and arrogance that led to record numbers of Americans stockpiling guns and ammunition. Obama’s latest berserk executive order authority would impose new background-check requirements for buyers who purchase weapons from high-volume gun dealers. Under the proposed rule change, dealers who exceed a certain number of sales each year would be required to obtain a license from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and perform background checks on potential buyers. I’m sure the average American citizen contends that this all sounds completely unreasonable, considering the irony of President Obama’s increasingly transparent Administration that has blatantly waged war on constitutionally protected whistle blowers, clandestinely grown ISIS, and quietly aided a flood into the United States of Anti-American Islamic Extremist terror cells. Good luck America, we’re all counting on ya. - Watch now