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Alex Jones Show
Date: 02/25/2016
On the Thursday, February 25th transmission of the Alex Jones Show, a New York Times columnist's tweet about a possible assassination attempt on Donald Trump lands him in hot water. Meanwhile, a political science professor claims a statistical model gives Trump a 97-99% chance of winning the presidency. And Secretary of State John Kerry proposes a Syrian “safe zone” requiring between 15,000 and 30,000 US troops. On today's show, author and WND editor Cheryl Chumley breaks down the mysteries behind Justice Scalia's death, the Trump-Pope controversy and the latest election news. We'll also hear from syndicated radio host and news decoder Lionel, and take your calls on this worldwide broadcast. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 09/29/2014
Infowars reporter Joe Biggs covers a new show on Cartoon Network's Adult Swim called Mr. Pickles. He breaks down the blatant satanic symbolism and pro-abortion messages pushed throughout the show and also the more subliminal illuminati symbolism hidden in the shows bumpers. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 08/18/2014
On this Monday, August 18 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex reports on the overnight riots in Ferguson, Missouri, in which protestors and police clashed with tear gas, flash bangs and Molotov cocktails, resulting in one of the worst clashes in Ferguson. A source within Homeland Security reportedly said the rioting and looting were “encouraged and exacerbated by undercover DHS agents posing as members of the Black Panthers.” It would be well within the government's prerogative to deploy provocateurs to stir violence that can be used to program the American public into accepting a militarized police state. On today's show, Fritz Springmeier, author ofBloodlines of the Illuminati, explains how secret societies shape today's news, both domestically and internationally, as well as their undue influence over the population. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 05/13/2014
Just when you think occultic imagery couldn't get more in your face, a new "science" proves what vampires and satanists have been saying for years; blood from the young is the secret to eternal life. Just how this youthful blood will be acquired, however, remains to be seen. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 05/07/2014
On the Wednesday, May 7 edition of Infowars Live, Alex Jones delves into the veritable cornucopia of headlines, explaining the FEC's move to regulate conservative media outlets like Drudge Report as an attack on the First Amendment, and reporting on the crisis in Ukraine where pro-Russian forces battle for control of the east. Jones also looks at the wider repercussions of U.S. entanglement in the regional war, keeping in mind Russia's military exercises involving nuclear capable strategic bombers off the Pacific coast of the U.S. On today's show, Alex is joined by preeminent researcher and independent scholar in the field of the occult, secret societies and their symbols, Jordan Maxwell, to discuss the subversive symbolism in Hollywood, focusing on zombies and visible imagery in films such as Pirates of the Caribbean. We'll also consider the latest Fukushima radiation news, predictions that every country will have armed drones within 10 years, the Obamacare boondoggle, as well as take your calls on this worldwide transmission. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 02/24/2014
On this Sunday, February 23 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex examines the unfolding crisis in eastern Europe as US and EU backed activists in Ukraine throw out the country's democratically elected president and the Euromaidan movement moves to embrace the European Union, the International Monetary Fund and the bankster cartel working behind the scenes to undermine Russia and the fleeting influence it has over its former Soviet-era satellites. Alex also looks at a disturbing comment by retired U.S. Supreme Court Associate Justice John Paul Stevens. Stevens would like to see the Second Amendment modified and the American people stripped of their god-given natural right to own firearms and protect themselves and their families. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 02/05/2014
On The February 04, 2014 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News. Lee Ann McAdoo Hosts & We Speak With Curator Jerry Petermann On The Deepening Nuclear Crisis. News Covered: Soros & Corporate Group Predicts Terrorism at Winter Olympics. Harvard Economist Fears Starting “Bank Run” on BoA by Withdrawing $1 Million. Elite insider predicts crash 2014. Dow Fallen 1000 points. Suicide rates to sky rocket. Super Bowl MVP Wears Illuminati Eye During Press Conference. Cops SWAT Innocent Family, Destroy Home Security Cameras To Cover Up Evidence. Govt. seized property for ‘economic development’ that never came. US to send robot to moon. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 01/20/2014
It's never too early to start conditioning kids to accept the coming surveillance-drone police state. Disney's new cartoon hopes to make kids love constant drone surveillance because the snooper is just a cute little ladybug who only spies because she loves you. We reported in 2007 about these coming drone warfare insects and now we show you the USAF Micro-Air Vehicles set to deploy soon. But it's not just Disney who's propagating to the youth, The TSA released their own cartoon showing kids how to bow down to tyranny. - Watch now
Nightly News
Date: 09/19/2013
On The September 18, 2013 Broadcast Of The Infowars Nightly News, Gigi Ernetta Hosts & Interviews George Hemminger. News Covered: Navy Yard: Swat team 'stood down' at mass shooting scene. Media Buries Psychiatric Drug Connection to Navy Shooter. Navy Yard Shooter Security Clearance Oversight Not Credible. How To Obtain A Govt. Security Clearance. Starbucks CEO says guns not welcome in stores. Revealing Pictures From 1972 Rothschild Illuminati Ball. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 09/13/2013
On the Friday, Sept. 13 broadcast of the Alex Jones Show, Alex breaks down the leader of Al-Qaeda Ayman al-Zawahiri's calls for “small-scale” attacks inside the US, all while the CIA openly arms and trains Syrian rebels in Jordan. Alex also analyzes the media's incessant attempts to shape public opinion in favor of war, the latest being CNN's Christiane Amanpour who said bombing Syria is America's “moral” obligation. On today's show, Alex welcomes ex-CIA officer turned activist and journalist Ray McGovern to discuss the unfolding situation regarding Syria's weapon disarmament. Alex also discusses the corruption and degradation of youth through symbols and messages embedded in the modern music industry with minister and author Keith Hudson. Hudson is also the father of pop star Katy Perry. We'll also take your calls on this live worldwide transmission. - Watch now
Alex Jones Show
Date: 07/03/2013
Infowars Nightly News host David Knight wants your declaration of resistance on this Wednesday, July 3 transmission of the Alex Jones Show. He talks to Dr. Edwin Vieira, Jr., constitutional lawyer and author of The Sword and Sovereignty: The Constitutional Principles of "the Militia of the Several States.” Vieiera holds four degrees from Harvard and has presented several cases before the U.S. Supreme Court. David discusses the recent revolt in Egypt as citizens rise against the Obama-backed dictator Morsi. He wants you to call into the show to explain how you promote liberty in your neighborhood and how you resist the feeling of indifference many Americans share towards the crumbling of our constitutional republic as it descends into a tyrannical, cyberspy police state. - Watch now
Special Reports
Date: 02/05/2013
The top story on Yahoo News the day after this year's super bowl was, "Did Beyonce flash an illuminati sign?" next to a photograph of her making a pyramid with her hands. Melissa Melton's special report considers the evidence that these super bowl half-time shows have a much darker subliminal mass conditioning agenda. - Watch now